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Overbite Mewing


New member
Jul 10, 2019
I'm 14 and I'm new to mewing and have an overbite. As I thoroughly searched the web for answers, I've found that some sites claimed that mewing could lead to a worse overbite, hence worsening the face overall. I can't buy braces at the moment, so I have no current way of fixing my overbite. I just wanted some confirmation; does mewing actually worsen an overbite? The picture below is not my teeth (I just found it on Google), but my upper teeth covers my bottom teeth in a quite similar way as it is in the picture. However, my actual teeth overlaps slightly deeper than the photo.
I'm 14 and I'm new to mewing and have an overbite. As I thoroughly searched the web for answers, I've found that some sites claimed that mewing could lead to a worse overbite, hence worsening the face overall. I can't buy braces at the moment, so I have no current way of fixing my overbite. I just wanted some confirmation; does mewing actually worsen an overbite? The picture below is not my teeth (I just found it on Google), but my upper teeth covers my bottom teeth in a quite similar way as it is in the picture. However, my actual teeth overlaps slightly deeper than the photo.
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Thank you very much for your reply but somehow, I can't make the molars of my teeth touch without clenching my teeth (which a lot of people say is unhealthy). Hence, is it better to just keep my teeth slightly apart to prevent any harm to them?
Thank you very much for your reply but somehow, I can't make the molars of my teeth touch without clenching my teeth (which a lot of people say is unhealthy). Hence, is it better to just keep my teeth slightly apart to prevent any harm to them?
Ik exact how to mew with an overbite; lemme make a thread for ye.
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  • #9
Sorry to bother you but may I ask you a few questions?

1. When you mew do you apply concious pressure or do you just let it rest gently on the roof of your mouth?

2. I'm aware that both my posterior and middle part of my tongue should be at the roof of my mouth but I've read several websites that say that the tip should not touch the roof of the mouth. Is this true? If it is where do you usually put the tip of your tongue?
Sorry to bother you but may I ask you a few questions?

1. When you mew do you apply concious pressure or do you just let it rest gently on the roof of your mouth?

2. I'm aware that both my posterior and middle part of my tongue should be at the roof of my mouth but I've read several websites that say that the tip should not touch the roof of the mouth. Is this true? If it is where do you usually put the tip of your tongue?
1. when I mew, I don't feel any conscious pressure, unless it's the what I think is the root of the tongue, and if you do feel conscious pressure, then you'r hard mewing, and it's worth noting that it's basically impossible to hard mew with a narrow palate too (I use to have a narrow palate btw) because if you try to expand your tongue inside the palate and whatnot, it will just go over the teeth and whatnot; your main goal is to keep it sucked up, not expanded (to at least begin with, I guess). hard mewing should only be an exercise to do once you master soft/normal mewing, in my opinion.

2. I never heard anything about the tip of the tongue resting elsewhere to be honest. I usually use the natural resting position of it, found by opening my mouth and shutting it again without trying to put my tongue to the roof of my mouth. as long as you don't touch your teeth, you'll be fine. share your sources in regards to the tip of the tongue so I can look into it and perhaps test it out myself; my front two teeth is my only problem in regards to the top teeth, so that might have to do with the tongue position.
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  • #11
Thank you very much for your answers once again 😀.

This is the site that brought me a lot of confusion regarding where to place the tip of the tongue.

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