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I am currently making a no-bullshit personality guide pdf which you can learn valuable skills such as NLP, body language and leadership. The pdf will be private, however, it is completely free to users who have at least 50 posts and 30 reaction points. Just tag me in this thread with a message asking for a link and i'll private message it to you.
You can ask me any questions you have atm :soy:
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I have question
What makes you think you are entitled to give advice on this subject ?
Don't take it the wrong way I'm not trying to shoot you down or be mean.
I just doubt you are qualified enough to guide psychological transformation.
Perhaps its not your original work but put together bits of advice from professionals which would be useful
But either way I'd like to see it.
Also it's a personal process
In my experience NLP body language and leadership all come naturally when you have a complete original personality,a goal in mind,and no problems whatsoever regarding your appearance or personality.
Exercising for hours every week may teach you to fake it.But that's not the way to true transcendence imo.
I have question
What makes you think you are entitled to give advice on this subject ?
Don't take it the wrong way I'm not trying to shoot you down or be mean.
I just doubt you are qualified enough to guide psychological transformation.
Perhaps its not your original work but put together bits of advice from professionals which would be useful
But either way I'd like to see it.
Also it's a personal process
In my experience NLP body language and leadership all come naturally when you have a complete original personality,a goal in mind,and no problems whatsoever regarding your appearance or personality.
Exercising for hours every week may teach you to fake it.But that's not the way to true transcendence imo.

Because all self-improvement work requires self-learning and independent critical thinking, this guide is detailing stuff that works and giving context about it. It's a blueprint not a prescription. It's up for you to decide what works within the guide, you should be thinking critically and independently anyway.

There are people ITT thread who don't even know what NLP to begin with this guide can be the perfect way to introduce them into that type of stuff.
you belong on a burning cross surrounded by white people dressed in ghost costumes
I'm going to convince my black coworkers on the plantation to start a strike so those ghosts won't have any bedsheets to hide there faces under.
keep dreaming n****r, one day theyll come visit your neighborhood
they'll come into my neighborhood which is populated with a white majority and wreck property mostly owned by white people. That's even if they guts to show there faces without those masks. And anyway im not an American, why would I degrade myself to such barbarianism and act like an American?
I am currently making a no-bullshit personality guide pdf which you can learn valuable skills such as NLP, body language and leadership. The pdf will be private, however, it is completely free to users who have at least 100 posts and 60 reaction points. Just tag me in this thread with a message asking for a link and i'll private message it to you.
You can ask me any questions you have atm :soy:
Oh. So I have to become active on here?
I am currently making a no-bullshit personality guide pdf which you can learn valuable skills such as NLP, body language and leadership. The pdf will be private, however, it is completely free to users who have at least 50 posts and 30 reaction points. Just tag me in this thread with a message asking for a link and i'll private message it to you.
You can ask me any questions you have atm :soy:
@Neo let me check it out
And make sure it's no bs
Apparently it's going to contain information on several important topics and present you the skills that you might need and it's entirely up to you to choose among them.So it's not a one size fits all cookie cutter self help writing.
It's a collection of info on psychological and philosophical issues.
Send me pdf bro i check this forum everydah
@Neo send me pdf
@Neo let me check it out
And make sure it's no bs
Thank you 🙏 mind just liking this?
I have 73 hours worth of notes to compile (not factoring in making the book), i'm working as fast as I can to create this book.
JFL I never finished this.
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