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Discussion Please girls be honest, no sugar coating: Do you think being a 5'1 female prevents you from being a 10/10 ?

There's no "short" for a female's height unless if she was literally midget tier with dwarfism

Females get away with so much stuff it's f*****g insane man.
feel bad for short guys tbf its not fully over i don't fully agree with heightpill because I have seen couples of short guys with pretty girls,pretty girls liking short guys and short (male) family members being married (my grandpa for example,because of he was good in all other areas)
feel bad for short guys tbf its not fully over i don't fully agree with heightpill because I have seen couples of short guys with pretty girls,pretty girls liking short guys and short (male) family members being married (my grandpa for example,because of he was good in all other areas)

You'll never get what I mean

You'll never get what I mean
i said not fully.being short and male makes it wayyy harder buts its not over,if your good in other areas.If your short and male you'll have to beat the double standards
i said not fully.being short and male makes it wayyy harder buts its not over,if your good in other areas.If your short and male you'll have to beat the double standards
It's brutally over if you're not 6 FT at least in 2024 JFL

It is what it is.
@Whitepill,as a other male,whats your opinion on this?
I agree for the most part but most men larp 6 foot so it may be lower height requirements ngl
i see short highschool asian and latino couples, not over
but you have to be maxxing out all other shit, cant be ugly and short male
Latinos are immune to blackpill unless they are whitewashed
i see short highschool asian and latino couples, not over
but you have to be maxxing out all other shit, cant be ugly and short male
pretty much, seen short yt boys (like 5'6 or under) pull allot of girls,and boys 5'7 pull and considered attractive,but they would need to put more effort that like a 6' 6 guy (tbf tho some tall guys just look lanky)
partially fw it but still believe love is possible not just lust like people ( or as the thread mentions ,woman in specfic)can not cheat,can love, and can have loyalty even if its allot rarer now.Personally lust seems a bit like cope but that's what you guys want than u do u
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