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Please rate my face and give me advice on how to improve it.


My twisted world
Jul 30, 2024
Hello again. In my past trades, I had swelling and it was difficult to assess my face. I'm sorry that I've been posting 3 threads on this topic already, but I think this time my face can now be evaluated. I am 14 years old, 176cm tall


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  • #5
You should def consult an endocrinologist. You probably have too much testosterone or smth. Masculine features, 176 cm height… Something is wrong with your hormones

You look like a really pretty boy. You could pull all the boys on gay dating sites, not gonna lie
I've been to the endocrinologist, and everything is fine. Maybe it's genetics. Mom's height is 178 and Dad's is 197.
I've been to the endocrinologist, and everything is fine. Maybe it's genetics. Mom's height is 178 and Dad's is 197.
Oh, yeah, height is maybe genetics. Still though, you look quite masculine. Not overly, but like a pretty boy

That's certainly not something common but I'd try looking into the eye area. The face overall is pretty, but the eyes, despite being pretty too, are too dominant & agressive. I would advice you to research the eye area. You have good eyes, but you need to turn them more feminine.

Also, the jaw is quite masculine too, but i know nothing about female jaws, so can't comment on that
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  • #7
Oh, yeah, height is maybe genetics. Still though, you look quite masculine. Not overly, but like a pretty boy

That's certainly not something common but I'd try looking into the eye area. The face overall is pretty, but the eyes, despite being pretty too, are too dominant & agressive. I would advice you to research the eye area. You have good eyes, but you need to turn them more feminine.

Also, the jaw is quite masculine too, but i know nothing about female jaws, so can't comment on that
Okay, thanks a lot for the advice. I'll work on my eyes.
You should def consult an endocrinologist. You probably have too much testosterone or smth. Masculine features, 176 cm height… Something is wrong with your hormones

You look like a really pretty boy. You could pull all the boys on gay dating sites, not gonna lie
she is white and russian
many are russians are chadlike and big
You think so? As I said, not knowledgeable about female jaws, but her jawline is more masculine than mine. And it just looks kinda strong. Ngl, I’d pay 5k in a heartbeat to get that jaw
Her jaw isn't strong. Rounded chin and it's not wide. Cheekbones are also rounded. I think her eye area and nose make her more masculinne. With more feminine eyebrows she would look ok
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Thank you very much. Now I am in the process of losing weight, I have already lost 24 kg, but after that I got terrible circles under my eyes
of course! and congrats, it takes hard work to be able to lose a lot of weight. also, im sure adequate water, good diet, and enough sleep can help the circles. you’ve got it🙌
Thank you very much. Now I am in the process of losing weight, I have already lost 24 kg, but after that I got terrible circles under my eyes
You can always cover up circles with a concealer or get a filler(these are really cheap. About 10-15k rubles in Russia). If that boosts you smv - you should go for it
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  • #35
Yep, so dw about that stuff. I can’t unsee you as pretty boy, but if other people are certain(and you agree) that you should lose even more weight - do it. The problems будут решаться по мере их появления
I will try to lose the remaining 15-20 kg in a year. I lost 24 kg in a year.
You should def consult an endocrinologist. You probably have too much testosterone or smth. Masculine features, 176 cm height… Something is wrong with your hormones

You look like a really pretty boy. You could pull all the boys on gay dating sites, not gonna lie
Russia height is one of the tallest in the world
I am proud of this community, only a few people had simp for her, that's an improvement.

Congratulations, @sigma for not simping a girl this time. That must had been hard for you. That's an improvement, so congratulations 👏 🎉.
You are pretty
A normie men become more attractive if he just switch gender. This whole comparison between her posts prove it.

I don't understand the logic behind improving your appearance after her level of attraction.

Maybe, most of her motivation comes from the Russian social pressure over females to behave in a very restrict way. Feminism didn't manifest it self there as it did on USA and Brazil. There are still concepts of "girls dresses as girls, adult women dress as adult women, old women dress as...".

Also, they have some specific ages were the pressure to have babies and so on is huge.

I suppose that's were her problem come from, because she is attractive...
I am proud of this community, only a few people had simp for her, that's an improvement.

Congratulations, @sigma for not simping a girl this time. That must had been hard for you. That's an improvement, so congratulations 👏 🎉.
too busy thinking about pompompurino
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  • #44
A normie men become more attractive if he just switch gender. This whole comparison between her posts prove it.

I don't understand the logic behind improving your appearance after her level of attraction.

Maybe, most of her motivation comes from the Russian social pressure over females to behave in a very restrict way. Feminism didn't manifest it self there as it did on USA and Brazil. There are still concepts of "girls dresses as girls, adult women dress as adult women, old women dress as...".

Also, they have some specific ages were the pressure to have babies and so on is huge.

I suppose that's were her problem come from, because she is attractive...
Fortunately, I'm not a feminist. But you are right, the older generation of Russia from 35 years old and older believes that by 25 there should be children, that by 20 it is necessary to get married or get married. People between the ages of 40 and 90 hold the worst opinion. To this day, guys are shamed by saying that if they wear pink clothes, it means that they are gay. My grandmother believes that people have an instinct for reproduction, etc., and she also believes that I should give birth before the age of 22, and then 3 more times. I am currently at sea with my grandmother, grandfather and brother. She is unbearable, stuffs me with food, scolds me for losing weight, smearing my face and washing my face with something, and claims that I need to wash with soap and water. And when I tell her that I get even more pimples without it, she yells at me with mats. The older generation in our country adheres to a backward opinion and tries to drive it into everyone's heads, calling everyone stupid. My grandmother believes that phones cause radiation and brain death.
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  • #45
If there are mistakes or incomprehensible words in my text, I apologize, it's the translator's fault.
Fortunately, I'm not a feminist. But you are right, the older generation of Russia from 35 years old and older believes that by 25 there should be children, that by 20 it is necessary to get married or get married. People between the ages of 40 and 90 hold the worst opinion. To this day, guys are shamed by saying that if they wear pink clothes, it means that they are gay. My grandmother believes that people have an instinct for reproduction, etc., and she also believes that I should give birth before the age of 22, and then 3 more times. I am currently at sea with my grandmother, grandfather and brother. She is unbearable, stuffs me with food, scolds me for losing weight, smearing my face and washing my face with something, and claims that I need to wash with soap and water. And when I tell her that I get even more pimples without it, she yells at me with mats. The older generation in our country adheres to a backward opinion and tries to drive it into everyone's heads, calling everyone stupid. My grandmother believes that phones cause radiation and brain death.
If there are mistakes or incomprehensible words in my text, I apologize, it's the translator's fault.
Fortunately, I'm not a feminist. But you are right, the older generation of Russia from 35 years old and older believes that by 25 there should be children, that by 20 it is necessary to get married or get married. People between the ages of 40 and 90 hold the worst opinion. To this day, guys are shamed by saying that if they wear pink clothes, it means that they are gay. My grandmother believes that people have an instinct for reproduction, etc., and she also believes that I should give birth before the age of 22, and then 3 more times. I am currently at sea with my grandmother, grandfather and brother. She is unbearable, stuffs me with food, scolds me for losing weight, smearing my face and washing my face with something, and claims that I need to wash with soap and water. And when I tell her that I get even more pimples without it, she yells at me with mats. The older generation in our country adheres to a backward opinion and tries to drive it into everyone's heads, calling everyone stupid. My grandmother believes that phones cause radiation and brain death.
ur grandmother loves u so much 💕

don't hate her
cherish her
Kinda sad that you guys think that we are scary
u all got deep voices and u r big framed and usually tall and muscular

also u got AKs everywhere and children know how to disassemble guns
and india makes missiles with russia

u guys are scary
america wants to be scary thats why they hate you
I understand, but sometimes she pisses me off when she tries to force-feed me, knowing that I can't eat it. 😔
my mom does the same but she listens sometimes

my grandmother when she was not sick used to over feed whenever i visited her
she is now sick and i miss everything 😔
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