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Posterior third of the tounge engagement


New member
Jul 5, 2019
Yo so I’ve been attempting to mew for like 9 months now and about 6 months ago I became unsure if I was doing it right. I’ve had the anterior two thirds of the tounge on the roof of my mouth my whole life and don’t have any malaclussions or narrow palate issues or anything anything like that, but I’m still really confused on how to properly engage the posterior third of the younger and how it should feel when doing got correctly. When I try to hold the -ng in sing or when I do the smile and swallow technique that everyone says to do, it feels like I’m not raising the posterior third all the way back and that I’m only raising some of it up. Is there any other way to explain this or are there any others tips to try to engage properly? I’m also not sure if I’m supposed to suck up and hold the tounge when engaging or if I’m just supposed to push it up there by itself.
Just do an extreme chin tuck, watch Mew's video on it.
Imagine there is a string attached to your occiput and someone pulled it upwards. You should feel your tongue shooting up to your palate. Now do a proper swallow for a god measure and you should feel the posterior third working. Now just hold that position eternally.
You should feel quite tight in your neck and mandible if you're recessed, but it means you're doing it right.
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But when I try to engage the tongue while having my head and neck in a normal position, it doesn’t feel the same as when I’m engaging it while doing a chin tuck swallow.
Yes it is. Chin tuck is how your supposed to be. But forward grown at the same time. Look at he most attractive men. Warrior skull. Straight neck. No curve or minimal but forward grown.

Nearly all of society is recessed beyond measure compared to our ancestors
This. A straight neck or a very slightly curved neck is the proper posture
But when I go back to the head/neck position that I’m normally in (b/c I can’t stay in a chin tuck 24/7) and try to engage the posterior third, i can’t seem to get it in the same position that it was in when I do a chin tuck swallow or cheesy smile swallow. I try and recreate the same feeling but I can’t seem to for some reason.
I don't believe this is correct.
Lmao yeah that's not true. It's not normal to tuck your chin in 24/7 but it's a great exercise to fix forward head posture. Back sleeping is good too
Lmao yeah that's not true. It's not normal to tuck your chin in 24/7 but it's a great exercise to fix forward head posture. Back sleeping is good too
It a good idea to combine chin tuck and back sleeping and no pillow.
JFL imagine the vertical compactness of the orbital + cheekbone projection someone who has chin tuck all thier life
And would y’all recommend that I suck and hold when initially engaging the posterior third or should I just push it up there
what's the difference?
Suck and hold is when you get the posterior third up by sucking up air w/ your nose (I can’t remember the name of the video but John Mew explains how to do it in one of them) which forces it onto the palate. Some people claim it feels more natural doing it this way. Pushing the posterior third up is when you simply just lift it up w/o sucking. This is like what Astro does when he says to pronounce the -ng in sing hold it there. I’m just not sure which method is the better one and what y’all do to get it up.
It is true. If your not forward grown ( by forward grown I mean upper percentile). You will appear very recessed while in chin tuck and neck extension exercise

But take someone who’s already get forward grown and make them do it. They will look normal. Matter fact. Most models already have proper neck posture. Minimal roundness no nerd neck

If they do then chances are they are slightly recessed
What do you consider a chin tuck then?

This is normal head posture and I'm not denying that.


But tucking in your head like this will make anyone look weird, lol. Just like when Mike Mew was eating, looks like someone from a different world
You see that’s the confusing part on mike mews video he made. When I talk about chin tuck or neck posture. I’m taking imagining there is a string attached to your bony growth at the back of your head and imagine it’s being pulled up and up with out jutting and rotating.

Leveled head but neck extended upwards. Sometimes it causes people to slightly tuck their chin in and sometimes it’s almost like your just hovering your head up and with intention.

That’s in my opinion proper neck posture
I see, thanks
No problem. Idk why mike didn’t clarify. I had to learn this from some posture dude on YouTube Let me find it. He’s really good at explaining the misconceptions about chin tucking.
Yeah, btw do you think getting a palate expander/sarpe would be a good idea? My smile is already quite wide but I feel like the upper part of my palate is very narrow which is funny cause my teeth aren't compressed or crooked. Probably cause I had braces.
I don’t see how it wouldn’t be. Should maximize what you have. Just as long a sits slow expansion and it’s do it too fast should be good
Sorry but going back to the posterior third engagement, when I say the -ng in sing, is that guaranteed to lift the entire posterior third plain and simple? I kinda feel like I’m not getting the whole posterior third up there when doing that.
I does for me and many others. Maybe your results might vary but if your hyoid lifts. Your in the clear
Dope thx man and one last question. When you swallow saliva properly, do you just wait until there’s enough saliva built up and then push it down with your toungue. Or do you actually make the front part of your tounge dip down to collect saliva and then push it down w/ your tounge, b/c that seems like a lot to do just to swallow some saliva but maybe b/c I’m just not used to it.
Dope thx man and one last question. When you swallow saliva properly, do you just wait until there’s enough saliva built up and then push it down with your toungue. Or do you actually make the front part of your tounge dip down to collect saliva and then push it down w/ your tounge, b/c that seems like a lot to do just to swallow some saliva but maybe b/c I’m just not used to it.
i find it easy by slightly opening my jaw and lifting the spit up very easily onto my tounge then clench jaw shut and swallow