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Guide potassiumcels and dystopia


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
as an incel i realize i am potassium deficient... over for potassiumcels. Popeye warned us of this. But they failed to mention one thing...

raw spinach only has 167 mg of potassium... cooked spinach has 840. In Popeye he just drinks it straight from a can

most potassium supplements have barely any potassium. If u are on a carnivore diet u should consider switching to an omnivore diet. According to, fruits and veggies have more potassium than meat.

for all these years ive been going without enough potassium. I have some dr berg electrolytes yet they only come with 1000 mg of potassium. they are expensive so i only eat 1 pack a day. most of the population has been going without enough potassium. I looked up random box of cereal and it has 0% DV of potassium. Recommended is 4700 mg. And some believe mainstream nutritionist under-estimate DV. So for all I know people actually need 8000 potassium or more. And what does "adult dv" even mean? Some adults are 140 lbs others are 300 lbs.

and im wondering if this is causing the societal dystopia. the lack of potassium. causing a dystopian society and behavoirs. im not sure.
as an incel i realize i am potassium deficient... over for potassiumcels. Popeye warned us of this. But they failed to mention one thing...

raw spinach only has 167 mg of potassium... cooked spinach has 840. In Popeye he just drinks it straight from a can

most potassium supplements have barely any potassium. If u are on a carnivore diet u should consider switching to an omnivore diet. According to, fruits and veggies have more potassium than meat.

for all these years ive been going without enough potassium. I have some dr berg electrolytes yet they only come with 1000 mg of potassium. they are expensive so i only eat 1 pack a day. most of the population has been going without enough potassium. I looked up random box of cereal and it has 0% DV of potassium. Recommended is 4700 mg. And some believe mainstream nutritionist under-estimate DV. So for all I know people actually need 8000 potassium or more. And what does "adult dv" even mean? Some adults are 140 lbs others are 300 lbs.

and im wondering if this is causing the societal dystopia. the lack of potassium. causing a dystopian society and behavoirs. im not sure.
Popeye reference
You could be onto something I guess
as an incel i realize i am potassium deficient... over for potassiumcels. Popeye warned us of this. But they failed to mention one thing...

raw spinach only has 167 mg of potassium... cooked spinach has 840. In Popeye he just drinks it straight from a can

most potassium supplements have barely any potassium. If u are on a carnivore diet u should consider switching to an omnivore diet. According to, fruits and veggies have more potassium than meat.

for all these years ive been going without enough potassium. I have some dr berg electrolytes yet they only come with 1000 mg of potassium. they are expensive so i only eat 1 pack a day. most of the population has been going without enough potassium. I looked up random box of cereal and it has 0% DV of potassium. Recommended is 4700 mg. And some believe mainstream nutritionist under-estimate DV. So for all I know people actually need 8000 potassium or more. And what does "adult dv" even mean? Some adults are 140 lbs others are 300 lbs.

and im wondering if this is causing the societal dystopia. the lack of potassium. causing a dystopian society and behavoirs. im not sure.
So are you js gonna take supplements for it then?
the supplements i see available have very low amounts of DV

and there are different types, potassium gluconate, citrate, etc.
So it’s pretty ducking hard to get correct amounts of potassium?
humans were built for omnivore diets, cant get enough vitamins/nutrients from a narrow type
potassium is excellent, ik banana and other fruit/veggies is a good source
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I do not support fasting for most people. Most people do not get enough nutrients, and fasting deprives them of even more nutrients. If you already are getting enough nutrients then u can fast then i guess
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