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Theory Question about maxilla and chin projection

  • Thread starter Deleted member 28839
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Deleted member 28839

Im white and personally i have a really well developed jawline + i think a chadlike maxilla, but my chin is a bit behind my lips why is that? Its weird because my chin is like tall and square is there any corelation between maxilla and chin?
After looking at the pictures he pm’d me, it doesn’t look recessed, he has good development but his jaws are slightly downswung
After looking at the pictures he pm’d me, it doesn’t look recessed, he has good development but his jaws are slightly downswung
so that’s why his lips are more projected than his chin from some angles
Im white and personally i have a really well developed jawline + i think a chadlike maxilla, but my chin is a bit behind my lips why is that? Its weird because my chin is like tall and square is there any corelation between maxilla and chin?
Let's consider what you're saying in a drawing. The thing is the entire mandible doesnt have to be recessed for your chin to be behind your lips. The mentals of the manibular body Is probably recessed, a genio , filler or jaw implants could correct it and move it forward.1719090041927.png
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  • #17
Let's consider what you're saying in a drawing. The thing is the entire mandible doesnt have to be recessed for your chin to be behind your lips. The mentals of the manibular body Is probably recessed, a genio , filler or jaw implants could correct it and move it forward.View attachment 32158
Genio seems so scary to do
But i think its not that bad that i have to do a genio

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