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Serious Question for women

How often
usually happens at night when not busy or exhausted, doesn’t happen much when i’m on my period cause i don’t wanna have to get messy so i have to ignore the feeling, and usually it’s when i think of a guy that i like. so id say… sometimes but only because im busy most of the time, thinking of other things, or exhausted. if i had no life im sure id be more of a horny person. i think it just depends on the person.
usually happens at night when not busy or exhausted, doesn’t happen much when i’m on my period cause i don’t wanna have to get messy so i have to ignore the feeling, and usually it’s when i think of a guy that i like. so id say… sometimes but only because im busy most of the time, thinking of other things, or exhausted. if i had no life im sure id be more of a horny person. i think it just depends on the person.
Why dont u watch porn
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because it’s brainrot. plus it feels better to masturbate when it’s imagined imo, watching porn feels artificial to me and forced. doing it naturally to thoughts of a guy that i like brings more pleasure and prolongs the experience.
Is being unable to use your own imagination an ADHDcel/autisticcel trait?

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