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Questions regards facepulling

Dr. Vozcuk [Unblocked]

United Ph.D doctors
Aug 20, 2019
So i made 2 different facepullers, one from neslon tutorial, and another from my own imagination

▪but the problem with my facepuller is that i can't let it do the job while i'm bussy, like i NEED to use my legs to facepull, otherwise i can't do facepulling

▪And since forces are different, would it affect my progress?

My facepuller = 1-5h day // 15 - 60kg force

Nelson facepuller = 10h - rest hours per day // i think it was 2kg force? i don't know, but you got the idea. Should i continue even if forces at different times of day were different
That's cool if it works.

I've heard that face pulling is quite ineffective as, full results are only evident when you rot in your basement for months with the appliance on you doing it's job.

Forces are different and I believe it may make your teeth wobbly, i think it's dangerous.
I'd suggest you save up for MSE instead.

My maxilla has is close to ideal - ly forward grown. Everything about my maxilla is protruding except for cheekbones.

It's just my upper maxilla that is slightly recessed, i.e., cheekbones (in terms of projection). I'm just gonna stick to bonesmashing.
That's cool if it works.

I've heard that face pulling is quite ineffective as, full results are only evident when you rot in your basement for months with the appliance on you doing it's job.

Forces are different and I believe it may make your teeth wobbly, i think it's dangerous.
I'd suggest you save up for MSE instead.

My maxilla has is close to ideal - ly forward grown. Everything about my maxilla is protruding except for cheekbones.

It's just my upper maxilla that is slightly recessed, i.e., cheekbones (in terms of projection). I'm just gonna stick to bonesmashing.
Pm me ur side profile jaani
That's cool if it works.

I've heard that face pulling is quite ineffective as, full results are only evident when you rot in your basement for months with the appliance on you doing it's job.

Forces are different and I believe it may make your teeth wobbly, i think it's dangerous.
I'd suggest you save up for MSE instead.

My maxilla has is close to ideal - ly forward grown. Everything about my maxilla is protruding except for cheekbones.

It's just my upper maxilla that is slightly recessed, i.e., cheekbones (in terms of projection). I'm just gonna stick to bonesmashing.
My facepulling is worthless then, all blood time sweat and tears went 'down the water'. I can't allow myself to be incel forever, come on bro, there must be clever sollution to this, should i continue???

I'm also doing chewing, applying peppermint, eating right, i gymceled in the past.. i will tanmax, dermaroll, red lights.... and get many different things

I know i sound like biggest cuckold ever but is this true what you're saying?? Is there research to prove movements in maxilla aren't possible for adults ??? Biggie incel if yes
My facepulling is worthless then, all blood time sweat and tears went 'down the water'. I can't allow myself to be incel forever, come on bro, there must be clever sollution to this, should i continue???

I'm also doing chewing, applying peppermint, eating right, i gymceled in the past.. i will tanmax, dermaroll, red lights.... and get many different things

I know i sound like biggest cuckold ever but is this true what you're saying?? Is there research to prove movements in maxilla aren't possible for adults ??? Biggie incel if yes
You can move the maxilla but not with facepulling or mewing
Yet another childish forgettable response from you. Youre really not good at this are you?
I am only stating facts
You are a dog to me. I give dogs treats but this time I don't have one.

What is there to be good at....?
I think I need to take you to the vet! Poor you
I am only stating facts
You are a dog to me. I give dogs treats but this time I don't have one.

What is there to be good at....?
I think I need to take you to the vet! Poor you
Stop with this cringey roleplay you wasteman. What is your obsession with dogs? Have you been sexually abusing stray dogs? Do i need to contact animal services?
Stop with this cringey roleplay you wasteman. What is your obsession with dogs? Have you been sexually abusing stray dogs? Do i need to contact animal services?
I'm afraid dogs cannot contact animal services by themselves.

I'll call them over for you shortly
I'm afraid dogs cannot contact animal services by themselves.

I'll call them over for you shortly
Again with the childish jokes you dog bumming embarassment. I'll give you some more time im sure you'll eventually think of something witty.
I'm caging hard at this conversation between you cunts jfl.