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rate me and give me some advice i feel ugly,hated,depressed,everyone records me,i have anxiety, i dont know what to do anymore


Aug 9, 2023
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
Don't ever kill yourself. Life is worth living, I have been there before myself. I've lost a friend to it and saved my sister. So I understand that It can be hard and it seems that life wouldn't be worth living. But that is 100% incorrect. Seek help from a parent or therapist. Meditation helped me a lot. And remember It is never too late to begin improving! You are very handsome for a 12-year-old(not to sound like a pedo). All you need is jaw gains, dress nicely and do cardio training. then you would be 10/10 . But again never kill yourself. If you need to talk to someone I'm here for you man! I'd also recommend joining this discord server for further advice . It's given me some tips that changed my life. and Seriously don't ever do self-harm.
I struggled with self harm, just push through. Your side profile nor front profile matters. I reccomend finding a reason you want to glow up, ie: your face or your body. You can start chewing more gum and losing face fat to get a more defined jawline. Good luck man and stay strong 👍🏽
At 12 years old, you should not worry about anything. You have many years where you will experience much worse times, more depressive states, and sometimes suicidal thoughts. Never give in. It is all the hate in the world wanting you to lose, wanting you to give up. Never give up. Start working out, learn a skill, try in school, get friends and have fun. Don't waste your time on this earth, you only have 1 LIFE.
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
You don't even look bad. All you need to do is lose face fat, mew and chew gum every day
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
If u ever just want somone to casually chat to, here's my ig Christian_oliver_international
youre 12, still too young to make such a decision. Your face isnt hideous or deformed, it can be polished up.

i suggest mewing as soon as you can since youre still a growing boy. Having a muscular physique(especially prominent shoulders and traps) will help with your attractiveness too. Also work on your posture.

For yiur hair i suggest you get a perm and rock the zoomer cut since it's what it's style now and it fits your head shape.

Also try to squint more to give urself a less innocent and boyish look in general.

Also how old are you?
You're starting very young so you may be okay. Mewing, towel pulling, zygo pulling, tint your eyebrows, lose fat and just take care of yourself in general. Also don't kill yourself, nobody cares about when ugly people die so it'd have just been a waste of 12 years, hang in there.
You've got 6 years to pull this off
Hello little friend, I have gone through what you are thinking and the truth is there are many reasons and things to live for, you do not care what others think of you, just try to improve as much as you can, you will always be the only one that can be valued, you know how much you're worth and people today are idiots, they laugh at everything and unfortunately they don't think about the consequences, but don't worry, friend, you're still too young to think about this kind of thing, you should think about living the life that you want to lead, study, play with friends and do not let the comments or actions of others affect you, a person who thought about doing it many times tells you that I have had many problems throughout my life, family problems, love , personal issues, etc., each one fights their own internal battle and it is your duty to respond to the call, I know that you can trust you and I am willing to help you by giving you the advice you need, if you need something do not hesitate to write to me, if you The delay will be because of my studies, I hope you are having a good morning, afternoon or night, I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT :D Life is beautiful... :)
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
my guy youre 12 trust me youre gonna glow up and life will become better you are in a better position than i was at 12 dont be so hard on yourself
I hope u see this .ur too young for this things (insecurities and body shame ect..) ur too young u can't do anything ur face and bodystill forming and changing it kinds goes slow after age 17 / ur front pic seems normal for advices try going smaller and lost some fat it helps even for ur health and for hairstyle try mod haircut I think it suit urface if ur little slimmer
First off, you are WAY too young to begin to even think about ending it all. You are nowhere near done growing up and developing into a man. Do not make little of your youth: you will wish you could be young all over again. Since you are 12, now is a really good time to begin mewing and heightmaxxing. I guarantee you, if you put a lot of effort and time into it and do a lot of other looksmaxxing stuff you will be way better off. Stick around long enough and you'll see how much life is worth living, I know because I dealt with suicidal thoughts and ultimately attempted at your age and now I'm so thankful that I didn't commit to that. Also remember God loves you please take time today to read his word and accept him into your life
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
Trust me if you only take skincare products, grow out your hair, get better clothing style overall be well groomed you will look so much better. I speak of experience. After that there are other things that makes you look even better but you shouldnt focus on that. Focus on the things that i wrote first and you can loose a little bit face fat. And no its not over if you have negative cantal thilt these looksmaxxing things are the requirements to be a model and its not necessary to have these things to be attractive. I wish you all the best for your glow up
Trust me if you only take skincare products, grow out your hair, get better clothing style overall be well groomed you will look so much better
Naw. His shirt is fine looks expensive. He looks well groomed also and his hair is fine. His main issue is incel chin and frogjaw. His skin looks kind of healthy but looks lumpy the way the fat is distributed, im not sure if that can be fixed with ordinary skincare products though
Grow you're hair out, you can mew but it is a slow process ,you should do cardio to lose face fat and ice your face to reduce inflammation, also u should go on a cut and chew Hella gum like the thick ones to build a strong jaw. Life is worth living ong
Honey, you are only 12! Don’t even think of stuff like this. Your body is growing and you will become best version of yourself within some time. Just go and enjoy playing Fortnite instead of scrolling TikTok for mewing xD

Wish you a lot of goodluck with your journey.
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
Brother you have so much potential it’s insane I’m telling you gymmaxx jawlinemaxx and you’ll be fine bro you have a nice face change the haircut and you’ll be top tier never let others down you to the point of suicide.
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
kanka git video editörlük öğren ben 12 yaşında video editörlük öğreniyodum aq kafana takma yağ oranını düşür spor salonuna git bide falım çiğne
Bro listen to me, YOU ARE GOOD. It seems like you haven't even hit puberty yet there is pretty much nothing you should be worried about. Middle School is the worst and most awkward time during school-years but you'll get through it. When you are older, I recommend going to the gym/doing sports, drinking lots of water, growing your hair cut and getting a cut, and getting your eyebrows lined up/shaped. Don't listen to most of these people on here.
Bro listen to me, YOU ARE GOOD. It seems like you haven't even hit puberty yet there is pretty much nothing you should be worried about. Middle School is the worst and most awkward time during school-years but you'll get through it.
Forcing people to go to middle school is a crime, its unpaid slavery.

Forcing people to sit in cheap chairs is a crime. (Cheap chairs cause inceldom.)
hi my name is emir im muslim im 12 years old im insecure stressed sad depressed filled with anxiety i dont know what to do with myself probably gonna kill myself if i dont improve my self soon (probably wont happen) yeah thats all heres my face pics:
bro dont listen to others,
just ROPEMAX.... its over for you...
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