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Rate the fit

Ur knees look weird

Also good fit looks good just change the pants for something with more rigid fabric or loose
You need to work out more or maybe you are still growing but you have a small body frame. No problem though, just wear some tighter fighting clothes, the coat is too saggy.

Looking good btw.
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  • #8
You need to work out more or maybe you are still growing but you have a small body frame. No problem though, just wear some tighter fighting clothes, the coat is too saggy.

Looking good btw.
Currently bulking, considering insoles. Definitely in need of style advice tho
Currently bulking, considering insoles. Definitely in need of style advice tho
You are still young so there's time to experiment. Best way to find out what you like is to just keep trying different styles.
why is your coat so long 💀 (shi realized its the detective coat) (bro tryna be sherlock)
not sure if the coloring suits you. ik this thing where you measure contrast and your vein colors and shi like that to figure out theme colors
think its something like this but idk about the site itself, watched this shit on style theory:
experiment with styles in general and research online
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  • #11
why is your coat so long 💀 (shi realized its the detective coat) (bro tryna be sherlock)
not sure if the coloring suits you. ik this thing where you measure contrast and your vein colors and shi like that to figure out theme colors
think its something like this but idk about the site itself, watched this shit on style theory:
experiment with styles in general and research online
Keep forgetting to check my undertones thank you for the reminder- the coat is heirloom, UK military ww2. Way too big but good for the weather here lol
Plus 500 aura

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