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Discussion Really interesting video


Ϫ Sun Soaked Mogger Ϫ
Established Member
Dec 31, 2023
Order of Nihil
I was just watching this really interesting Ted talk from a female model talking about something really thought provoking

She talks about how even though she’s a beautiful model, she is extremely insecure

It makes me think about how maybe looks don’t improve happiness in certain ways, perhaps it’s best to be ignorant and beautiful to be able to be immune to the flaws that extreme beauty seems to bring

everyone’s insecure fr
dont be a model, they will always pressure you to look a certain way and you will be compared w/ other models
beauty can bring happiness but you need other more fulfilling things in your life

tbh its natural to be insecure, if humans didnt feel the need to nitpick everything, there would be no improvement. problem is when youre good looking but it doesnt stop
I was just watching this really interesting Ted talk from a female model talking about something really thought provoking

She talks about how even though she’s a beautiful model, she is extremely insecure

It makes me think about how maybe looks don’t improve happiness in certain ways, perhaps it’s best to be ignorant and beautiful to be able to be immune to the flaws that extreme beauty seems to bring

Right on the money. Being good looking doesn't automatically make you happy and unfortunately for most of looksmax. They believe suddenly being good looking is like taking a magic pill. Getting better looking feels good at FIRST but just like any rush of dopamine it fades and your left with nothing but a normal that is just the same as you feel now. This normalizing will always happen and you won't be able to compare either because your new normal doesn't become suddenly better than your old normal. They feel the exact same. This is why thinking you will suddenly be happy for life once your (insert trait you want) is futile and will cause suicide for most. They will find that it didn't give them what they wanted. This is why celebs kill themselves or even millionaires. The riches of the earth do not follow you into death and you will have to find meaning beneath the superficial or it's over for you for real. It's the biggest truth. The biggest pill.

God is calling always. Will you pick up or ignore?
This is why thinking you will suddenly be happy for life once your (insert trait you want) is futile and will cause suicide for most. They will find that it didn't give them what they wanted. This is why celebs kill themselves or even millionaires.
Most do not.

And if they do its because there is no longer any challenge, because they have a life with no purpose.

For this reason athletes are both rich and healthy
