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Rectangular face shape


Feb 9, 2021
Is a rectangular face shape basically just a wider oblong face shape?
I'm asking because I have an oblong face shape and would like a rectangular one. For that I would have to widen my mandible and cheekbones.
Is a rectangular face shape basically just a wider oblong face shape?
I'm asking because I have an oblong face shape and would like a rectangular one. For that I would have to widen my mandible and cheekbones.
I can't tell anything without a reference pic sorry my imagination is bad
U need to lose fat and get hair transplant
If u want and can then plz get canthoplasty
Everything else is solid sir
U will look very good when u lose fat and better if u get hair transplant and the best for natural potential when u get canthoplasty
Is a rectangular face shape basically just a wider oblong face shape?
I'm asking because I have an oblong face shape and would like a rectangular one. For that I would have to widen my mandible and cheekbones.
its about the cranius
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  • #16
its about the cranius
Doctor Barry Eppley said that by widening the mandible and cheekbones I could have a rectangular face shape. He sent some before and after pictures with the possible results. I deleted those pictures though.
Doctor Barry Eppley said that by widening the mandible and cheekbones I could have a rectangular face shape. He sent some before and after pictures with the possible results. I deleted those pictures though.
Eppley implant tryna bag u for ur money
hit the gym, shave the stubble, fix brows, fix your hairline (may need hair transplant), be healthy, mew blah blah blah
good luck
what if instead of mewing it was freaky mewing and instead of putting the tongue to the top of your mouth you put it up your ass
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  • #20
hit the gym, shave the stubble, fix brows, fix your hairline (may need hair transplant), be healthy, mew blah blah blah
good luck
Does my stubble look bad?
do you have a scan of your skull ? your jaw look round , maybe add some angularity
How do I do that? Fat loss? Surgery?
thats why i asked if you actually know how your skull looks , if you have good gonions and jaw overall , losing fat will ascend you
if not look for jaw implants , your chin looks decent tho
total eye asymmetry and negative canthal tilt, consider estrogen because i dont think canthal tilt can be changed, and u would pass easily imo
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  • #28
total eye asymmetry and negative canthal tilt, consider estrogen because i dont think canthal tilt can be changed, and u would pass easily imo
Won't canthoplasty chang my canthal tilt?

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