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Seeking advice


New member
Aug 7, 2023
So I just recently learned of a peptide that lowers your estrogen levels. I am 15 years old and I’ve been to the growth doctors and they have said my growth plates are closing. I am 5,7. Rn and I am taking daily hgh shots to boost my height. The peptide I am considering taking is called Anastrol. Given that growth plates close due to estrogen in theory the Anastrol will slow down the closing of my growth plates. I am wondering if this is a good idea and if so how do I obtain it and how much do I take also what would be the side effects of this. Thank you.
Brutal 0 reply pill
Don’t lower estrogen tho if u do ever come back here and read this.
Estrogen is optimal according to sexlesstosexles
blud don’t read the second message I sent
unless you have genetic disorder where estrogen is much higher than test there is no reason to lower it
Estrogen is essential for development in both men and women
yes, @Isaacmoon , estrogen is very important in bone development, and paired with testosterone can show good results.
estrogen- increases calcium absorption and bone formation.
but you are 18 and biologically female so your bones are likely already fused.

so you likely do not need to have high estrogen for a male. for now keep it baseline, and take inhibitors bit by bit till you have a balanced amount (both genders should have a healthy amount of estrogen)
since you are biologically female, i do not know the repercussions of having the same hormone levels as a male, so for safety sake i would not have it the same as a biological male, instead higher. but still lower than the typical biological woman. so find a good balance, in between biological woman levels and biological male levels

disclaimer im not a medical professional lol
yes, @Isaacmoon , estrogen is very important in bone development, and paired with testosterone can show good results.
estrogen- increases calcium absorption and bone formation.
but you are 18 and biologically female so your bones are likely already fused.

so you likely do not need to have high estrogen for a male. for now keep it baseline, and take inhibitors bit by bit till you have a balanced amount (both genders should have a healthy amount of estrogen)
since you are biologically female, i do not know the repercussions of having the same hormone levels as a male, so for safety sake i would not have it the same as a biological male, instead higher. but still lower than the typical biological woman. so find a good balance, in between biological woman levels and biological male levels

disclaimer im not a medical professional lol
Never seen trans guys talk about inhibitors pre HRT, where’s a good starting point?
Never seen trans guys talk about inhibitors pre HRT, where’s a good starting point?
btw i have never taken any supplements
from what ive read online:
aromatisin inhibitors: used to prevent the aromatization, or conversion of other hormones such as androgens (ex: testosterone) into estrogen. but this implies that you have a good amount of testosterone that you are preserving from being converted. online men use it since they dont want their testosterone to be converted. it is also used to treat breast cancer in women, so i believe it should work on bio females as well. but aromatisin inhibitors by themselves dont work, since you are bio female you have to establish testosterone as well.
there are also SERMs, i have done less research on these so DYOR as well. they block certain estrogen receptors. but specific ones, not all of them. once again DYOR
this all ik jfl, i will probably invest time in the future to do research
also read about symptoms be careful
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