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Shadows under eyes any fix?

bad undereye support cant be fixed except surgery
Depends on how old you are tbh, if you are young then mewing+more bone development is possible, if not you can try volufiline to increase the soft tissue. Then DYOR obviously but infraorbital implants or filler or something can fix it surgically
Surgery is NOT always the right answer there are other ways like a jade roller, or cold spoon therapy. Bags under the eyes could also be caused by what foods are in your diet like salt, which apparently retains water and leads to puffiness in areas of the skin.
volufline, icing, sleep, maybe some weight gain if youre skinny
i also heard being sick or having anemia can cause eye bags, so try to have a better immune system and talk to your doctor

oh dam 😭
Joined Jan 20, 2024
Last seen Jan 26, 2024
volufline, icing, sleep, maybe some weight gain if youre skinny
i also heard being sick or having anemia can cause eye bags, so try to have a better immune system and talk to your doctor

oh dam 😭
Joined Jan 20, 2024
Last seen Jan 26, 2024
mfs cant be on the forum long enough to hear advice
