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Should I cut my foreskin off?


Mar 28, 2024
United Kingdom
Some girls apparently think foreskin is disgusting on a guy as it leaves dirt, while others think its better as it improves girth, My dick is 6.5 inches (17cm I checked with a measuring tape) or almost 7 inches if i get hard as f**k but it's like a dagger cause of avrg girth.
Some girls apparently think foreskin is disgusting on a guy as it leaves dirt, while others think its better as it improves girth, My dick is 6.5 inches (17cm I checked with a measuring tape) or almost 7 inches if i get hard as f**k but it's like a dagger cause of avrg girth.
your choice, but circumsicions are more dangerous when you are older. also i heard that if you get a boner a while after surgery, your stitches pop (pain and hospital). also you lose girth and surgery can get botched. if youre worried abouut dirt wash your dick man
Some girls apparently think foreskin is disgusting on a guy as it leaves dirt, while others think its better as it improves girth, My dick is 6.5 inches (17cm I checked with a measuring tape) or almost 7 inches if i get hard as f**k but it's like a dagger cause of avrg girth.
Just keep your dick natural bro
Some girls apparently think foreskin is disgusting on a guy as it leaves dirt, while others think its better as it improves girth, My dick is 6.5 inches (17cm I checked with a measuring tape) or almost 7 inches if i get hard as f**k but it's like a dagger cause of avrg girth.
Well prepare for you're dick to be smaller dryer and less sensitive if that sounds like a good trade for looks go ahead
Idk about that
Probably not a good idea at all
org user ahh “6’7 white billionaire”

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