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Poll Should I do something insane


Former Leader of the jedi council of hope.
Established Member
Jul 4, 2019
I had this idea. I take steroids and I'm not afraid to admit it. I have not bone mashed while on the juice. I'm on a cycle ATM and I thought about something. What if I started bone smashing my chin like did way back in the day only this time I got a higher chance to actually do something to my face. The jaw is absolutely effected by high androgen and thickens. If was to treat bonesmashjng like an accessory to my work out routine maybe I can document this change for you guys and prove once and for all if this shit is even worth doing at all for some kind of aesthetic benefit. Iv completely forgotten how hard I used to hit my chin area back in the day but I did experience lots of swelking after the fact and it made my chin look square however because I was a total Twink and skinny it did not match my face whatever's. But now that I'm literally bigger overall I think this aesthetic change would be a nice addition. I'm not dumb and won't make same the same mistakes I did back in the day. If I'm being honest most of my bonesmashing just went away anyways and I had to heal from all the ugly swelling it did to me. I'm on a good diet overall and I always chew my "stronger" gum brand that contains k2 and d3. I believe if this is going to work being on steroids is going to make it work. I will not touch my cheeks again that shit is dangerous and easy to bog yourself with. I regret ever touching that area back then. But the chin can absolutely afford to be bigger even if it's not aesthetically the most pleasing area to alter with mass.

My chin is not recessed but I don't like how it doesn't match my jaws masculinity.

What do you think?


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Eh I tried it out. Idk it made my chin more projected but getting this to stay is the issue. Like its not a huge difference but it helps a little on the side profile. I wanna be careful here as I don't want my chin past my lips. I'm well aware of ratios and such so this is a concern. Idk I'll try out here and there over time and see how I feel. I'll do it after my neck exercises.

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  • #3
Feeling manic might delete later enjoy the content for now I'm working on ascending mega hard 🤲🙏🔜 we don't play around we make results 💪
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  • #4
Might be wise to be careful with the bulk I don't think the water retention and swelling will be a nice combo 😂
I had this idea. I take steroids and I'm not afraid to admit it. I have not bone mashed while on the juice. I'm on a cycle ATM and I thought about something. What if I started bone smashing my chin like did way back in the day only this time I got a higher chance to actually do something to my face. The jaw is absolutely effected by high androgen and thickens. If was to treat bonesmashjng like an accessory to my work out routine maybe I can document this change for you guys and prove once and for all if this shit is even worth doing at all for some kind of aesthetic benefit. Iv completely forgotten how hard I used to hit my chin area back in the day but I did experience lots of swelking after the fact and it made my chin look square however because I was a total Twink and skinny it did not match my face whatever's. But now that I'm literally bigger overall I think this aesthetic change would be a nice addition. I'm not dumb and won't make same the same mistakes I did back in the day. If I'm being honest most of my bonesmashing just went away anyways and I had to heal from all the ugly swelling it did to me. I'm on a good diet overall and I always chew my "stronger" gum brand that contains k2 and d3. I believe if this is going to work being on steroids is going to make it work. I will not touch my cheeks again that shit is dangerous and easy to bog yourself with. I regret ever touching that area back then. But the chin can absolutely afford to be bigger even if it's not aesthetically the most pleasing area to alter with mass.

My chin is not recessed but I don't like how it doesn't match my jaws masculinity.

What do you think?
if you want to change your chin you'd be better off just getting filler imo

I don't really see a problem with yours honestly
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  • #6
if you want to change your chin you'd be better off just getting filler imo

I don't really see a problem with yours honestly
It's very funny that people still think I got fillers to this today or some kind of wrap around when really my idea of surgery has yet to get to me yet. I never done anything crazy except this bonesmash shit along time ago. Imagine if I actually did get surgery
thanks for this post, i was considering bonesmashing my zygos (i have shitty recessed zygos) but now i dont have to
How so? And wdym by recessed
like when i touch my cheeks i feel bone but i dont see any bone when i look, just looks bleh and makes my lower jawline saggier

example of good cheeks is nihilus pfp (i dont know who their pfp is)

chico is an exception and has boneless zygos

and u said bonesmashing is temporary (my theory was it was temporary too) only so theres no point for me to
so TLDR : you want a more square chin ?
No one worshipped the Little white boy on the OG forum and got bullied out of it so he decides to move onto a new forum to seek attention

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