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Should I eat or debloat? (16)


Jul 6, 2019
16 y/o 6f2. Should I debloat so I can gain some PSL, or stay a bloated soyboy in the hopes I'll reach 6f4 by the time ive done puberty (got my first pubes at 14 if that means anything)
what kind of question is that?

bloat is water, not fat. you dont have to starve to debloat. so is it fat or water?

anyway, idc how tall you are or how fat you are, unless you are the size of a wrecking ball you dont diet until you are at least 20

the best thing you can do is cut out certain foods or limit them and start lifting to increase muscle mass
The general consenus is that you should maximus gains (height + frame) till 18. Then start leanmaxxing after
18 is an arbitrary number tho, could be 20, could be 19. Depends on when YOUR puberty ends
what kind of question is that?

bloat is water, not fat. you dont have to starve to debloat. so is it fat or water?

anyway, idc how tall you are or how fat you are, unless you are the size of a wrecking ball you dont diet until you are at least 20

the best thing you can do is cut out certain foods or limit them and start lifting to increase muscle mass
it's fat
6ft2 at 16 is good bro

like the others have said you should start lifting
it's hard to stay motivated, within a week I'll just look at how fat my face is compared to my body and just want to cut
trust me ik bruh. ive dieted 4 months at 500 cals of just chicken breast and lost 50 lbs at 16, still trying to recover from that. ik that you want to be lean ronjon, but the best thing you can do is put on muscle

just look at tuboflards transformation. he went from asking for vegana pics on facebook to having FWBs

theres a lot of hope for you at 6'2'' and the taller you get and the bigger your frame gets, the better
it's hard to stay motivated, within a week I'll just look at how fat my face is compared to my body and just want to cut

whats your weight?
trust me ik bruh. ive dieted 4 months at 500 cals of just chicken breast and lost 50 lbs at 16, still trying to recover from that. ik that you want to be lean ronjon, but the best thing you can do is put on muscle

just look at tuboflards transformation. he went from asking for vegana pics on facebook to having FWBs

theres a lot of hope for you at 6'2'' and the taller you get and the bigger your frame gets, the better
thank u papa Bear x
78 kilos 20% bf
wtf 80kg is nothing at 6'2''. i used to be 80kg at 5'7''

try taking dandelion root and drink lots of water to lose some bloat

also hit the gym to improve insulin sensitivity and increase muscle mass which will allow you more lenience when eating
wtf 80kg is nothing at 6'2''. i used to be 80kg at 5'7''

try taking dandelion root and drink lots of water to lose some bloat

also hit the gym to improve insulin sensitivity and increase muscle mass which will allow you more lenience when eating
ye ik I swear I should weigh more. guess I must have a good frame cos guys and girls often comment on how big I am and I mog my entire grade basically
ye ik I swear I should weigh more. guess I must have a good frame cos guys and girls often comment on how big I am and I mog my entire grade basically
start working out. focus on traps, shoulders, neck (you dont need to have a bear neck, just not a pencil neck) and forearms for your frame. also chest

eat frequently, drink milk and you will grow fine.

you have the chance to grow even taller at this point bro, youre lucky af

also make sure to chew hard (gum and food) because if you get your masseters bigger, your jaw bones also get bigger
start working out. focus on traps, shoulders, neck (you dont need to have a bear neck, just not a pencil neck) and forearms for your frame. also chest

eat frequently, drink milk and you will grow fine.

you have the chance to grow even taller at this point bro, youre lucky af

also make sure to chew hard (gum and food) because if you get your masseters bigger, your jaw bones also get bigger
should I order any supps or roids like an ai or mk/GH?
should I order any supps or roids like an ai or mk/GH?
tbh roids/SARMs and AIs would be fine to take even if youre young but the problem is id doubt youd be able to take them consistently and youd end up fucking yourself up hormonally

id save that for when you have a greater knowledge of them and are able to buy them regularly and not end up going off because you ran out of money
tbh roids/SARMs and AIs would be fine to take even if youre young but the problem is id doubt youd be able to take them consistently and youd end up fucking yourself up hormonally

id save that for when you have a greater knowledge of them and are able to buy them regularly and not end up going off because you ran out of money
and finally, my love, thoughts on intermittent fasting?
and finally, my love, thoughts on intermittent fasting?
very good for weight loss, it + keto are decent are maintaining muscle during a cut, but for building muscle and growing in general it is absolute trash

so it would be good to look into keto and IF for when you start cutting, but definitely dont cut now
very good for weight loss, it + keto are decent are maintaining muscle during a cut, but for building muscle and growing in general it is absolute trash

so it would be good to look into keto and IF for when you start cutting, but definitely dont cut now
and for milk, i assume skimmed is for fags and i should only drink full fat?
and for milk, i assume skimmed is for fags and i should only drink full fat?
well besides the fact that its for fags, most of the fat soluble vitamins like K2 are in the fat + the kind of fat it has is good for T levels, as opposed with the fat in nuts which decreases T if eaten alone
well besides the fact that its for fags, most of the fat soluble vitamins like K2 are in the fat + the kind of fat it has is good for T levels, as opposed with the fat in nuts which decreases T if eaten alone
what kind of nuts decrease T and how do you know this? i'll eat my almonds anyway its not like my hormonal levels are salvageable
what kind of nuts decrease T and how do you know this? i'll eat my almonds anyway its not like my hormonal levels are salvageable
no bro u misunderstood me. eating fats from nuts instead of fats from animal sources lower T because its different kinds of fats that are fairily useless. so as long as you eat some fatty meats, eat some eggs or drink some milk you should be OK
no bro u misunderstood me. eating fats from nuts instead of fats from animal sources lower T because its different kinds of fats that are fairily useless. so as long as you eat some fatty meats, eat some eggs or drink some milk you should be OK
Eating nuts is ogre, there's like 300kcal in just a handleful so you're not satisfied after eating them. Worst thing to have while cutting.
@TubOfLard is 5'7" like you and curry and yet he have FWB, thats lifefuel for you
imagine being 5'10'' and shitting on 5'7'' n*****s even though theres a 4cm difference between us

its ogre for u

Eating nuts is ogre, there's like 300kcal in just a handleful so you're not satisfied after eating them. Worst thing to have while cutting.
thank god i dont have to cut JFL. after my 4 month 500 cal cut i was eating like 2000kcal+ worth of peanuts per day JFL
At least i dont get rocks thrown at me