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Guide Should you buy testers over the perfume :D


Nov 8, 2023
Affordability: One of the most compelling reasons to consider tester perfumes is their significantly lower price point. Testers are the unsung heroes of the fragrance world, offering a budget-friendly option for those who seek quality scents without breaking the bank.


Same Scent, Smaller Price: Tester perfumes contain the same liquid as their full-sized counterparts. The only difference lies in the packaging – testers often come in plain, unadorned bottles without the elaborate boxes and caps. This means you get the exact same fragrance experience at a fraction of the cost.


Environmentally Friendly: By opting for tester perfumes, you contribute to a more sustainable approach to fragrance consumption. With less extravagant packaging, testers generate less waste, making them a greener choice for eco-conscious consumers.


Variety and Exploration: Investing in tester perfumes allows fragrance enthusiasts to explore a wider range of scents without committing to a full-sized bottle. This variety encourages experimentation, helping you discover hidden gems that might have been overlooked in favor of more familiar choices.


Perfect for Layering: Testers provide an excellent opportunity for fragrance layering. Mixing and matching scents allows you to create a unique olfactory profile that suits your style. With the lower cost of testers, you can afford to experiment without the fear of wasting an expensive full-sized bottle.


Travel-Friendly: The compact and often no-frills packaging of tester perfumes makes them ideal for travel. Whether you're jet-setting across the globe or just need a fragrance for your gym bag, testers are convenient and portable, allowing you to enjoy your favorite scents on the go.



Quality Assurance: Contrary to common misconceptions, tester perfumes maintain the same high-quality ingredients and formulation as their original counterparts. These are authentic fragrances produced by reputable brands, ensuring that you're not compromising on the essence of the scent.


Ideal for Daily Use: Tester perfumes are perfect for everyday use. With their affordability and practical packaging, they become the go-to choice for those who prefer to switch up their scents regularly without the guilt of depleting an expensive bottle.


Final Thoughts: In a world where luxury often comes with a hefty price tag, tester perfumes offer a refreshing alternative. With their affordability, environmental benefits, and the opportunity for exploration. So, the next time you're on the hunt for a new scent, consider the allure of tester perfumes.


I hope this was helpful. Have a nice day! :D

are you doing those yourself ?
fragrance chad
David Fragrance
nice thread i love how your the person for smellmaxxing
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
yeah really , dude needs a whole section for himself

Not really for myself but it could be cool to have smellmaxx in the looksmaxxing next to the hair advice, skincare, gym etc
Not really for myself but it could be cool to have smellmaxx in the looksmaxxing next to the hair advice, skincare, gym etc
didnt think of that def needs a prefix

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