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Sides of the head too bulky


Active member
Feb 9, 2021
A few years ago a barber told me that the sides of my head are bulky. Is there any procedure that can make them less bulky?
This is a great opportunity to talk about one problem many people on these forums have:

Just because ONE person said ‘x’ about your appearance DOESNT MAKE IT TRUE.

I’ve seen your pictures; the sides of your head aren’t bulky. If anything, you could use some more “bulk” when it comes to your cranium.
Also the only reason your head might seem bulky is because your hairline is receding. It’s not a matter of bone structure. Hell, I’d consider your temporal bones to be a bit narrow.
This is a great opportunity to talk about one problem many people on these forums have:

Just because ONE person said ‘x’ about your appearance DOESNT MAKE IT TRUE.

I’ve seen your pictures; the sides of your head aren’t bulky. If anything, you could use some more “bulk” when it comes to your cranium.
Thanks. There was a barber a few years ago who said I shouldn't do any skin fades because the sides of my head are bulky. Anyway skin fades wouldn't look good on me because I have an oblong face shape.
Thanks. There was a barber a few years ago who said I shouldn't do any skin fades because the sides of my head are bulky. Anyway skin fades wouldn't look good on me because I have an oblong face shape.
Skin fades look like shit on 99% of people and they make you look try-hard as hell.