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Info Skin quality is mostly genetics


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
Before someone gets mad at me, I said "mostly"

I stopped using skin care months ago and barely take showers. I don't even use soap and eat fast food all day and I've had barely much breakouts compared to last year.

Everyone is different though, saying this again for people that might get angry at this statement but it is true, the same way it is with height, bone development, endocrine makeup etc.

The main drivers for these are your genetics.
Before someone gets mad at me, I said "mostly"

I stopped using skin care months ago and barely take showers. I don't even use soap and eat fast food all day and I've had barely much breakouts compared to last year.

Everyone is different though, saying this again for people that might get angry at this statement but it is true, the same way it is with height, bone development, endocrine makeup etc.

The main drivers for these are your genetics.
Your skin has natural oils and bugs on them that exfoliate. Yes for the normal man. He can just never wash his face and prob be ok. But there is some things one can do that just beats just staying natural. Red-light and a few other things. I don't have a huge skincare routine. The less the better. Only use very effective drugs and stuff in my opinion.
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  • #3
The less the better. Only use very effective drugs and stuff in my opinion.
This is what I believe in too

I see so many people mistake being skin care as "The " solution to all the problems and then immediately investing into a 7 step skin care routine under the false pretense of thinking it will achieve that smooth glass skin.

. But there is some things one can do that just beats just staying natural. Red-light and a few other things.
In the past the only things that I've noticed to really work is basic moisturizer, SA cleansers and tretinoin.

I've stopped all of this now though. Tretinoin made the biggest difference, it is night and day when I was on it vs now.
Your skin has natural oils and bugs on them that exfoliate. Yes for the normal man. He can just never wash his face and prob be ok. But there is some things one can do that just beats just staying natural. Red-light and a few other things. I don't have a huge skincare routine. The less the better. Only use very effective drugs and stuff in my opinion.
i’ve been trying to cut back on skincare recently, specifically ones with excessive chemicals and toxins. I’ve been looking at a website that ingredient checks different products and seeing what doesn’t have as many harmful ingredients.

I am not sure whether or not to continue the cleansing and moisturizing because many people say that it isn’t good, but I tried to stop for a week and got cystic acne again.

By very effective ingredients do you mean tretinoin? I’m thinking of using it to mitigate acne, and also because for my age, my collagen is trashed because of all the harsh products I used in the past. When using tretinoin I would obviously need to moisturize though.

What do you think of a skincare routine like this one that I plan on getting once I run out of cerave


Vanicream cleanser (made for “sensitive skin” and doesn’t contain harmful toxins)

hyaluronic acid serum

everybody natural moisturizer

mineral sunscreen


Vanicream cleanser

hyaluronic acid serum

tretinoin cream

everybody moisturizer

I am also taking pantothenic acid supplements, which have improved my skin as well.
Before someone gets mad at me, I said "mostly"

I stopped using skin care months ago and barely take showers. I don't even use soap and eat fast food all day and I've had barely much breakouts compared to last year.

Everyone is different though, saying this again for people that might get angry at this statement but it is true, the same way it is with height, bone development, endocrine makeup etc.

The main drivers for these are your genetics.
bro thought i wouldnt notice the rei pfp
Before someone gets mad at me, I said "mostly"

I stopped using skin care months ago and barely take showers. I don't even use soap and eat fast food all day and I've had barely much breakouts compared to last year.

Everyone is different though, saying this again for people that might get angry at this statement but it is true, the same way it is with height, bone development, endocrine makeup etc.

The main drivers for these are your genetics.
True but it doesn't mean u should stop skincare
When i used to do a field job my daily sun exposure was 3-4 hours yet i never got acne from it but if i eat something oily food acne starts appearing
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  • #8
True but it doesn't mean u should stop skincare
When i used to do a field job my daily sun exposure was 3-4 hours yet i never got acne from it but if i eat something oily food acne starts appearing
I never said to stop skincare

I just said I personally don't do it anymore
I never said to stop skincare

I just said I personally don't do it anymore
True but some readers may think that it's all about genes while it's true to a certain point but still products can help
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  • #10
Before someone gets mad at me, I said "mostly"

I stopped using skin care months ago and barely take showers. I don't even use soap and eat fast food all day and I've had barely much breakouts compared to last year.

Everyone is different though, saying this again for people that might get angry at this statement but it is true, the same way it is with height, bone development, endocrine makeup etc.

The main drivers for these are your genetics.
This is true 1720899757361.png

barely take showers.
This is gross, please take showers.

It might be that skin quality is mostly genetic, but good hygiene and taking care of yourself is more important than you can realize.

Imagine waking up everyday lean in a clean fit with good accessories, makes such a difference that needs to be realized.

Obviously its cope if you are a certain lookslevel, but I think a lean mtn with maxxed stuff and high appeal hair can do well, more well than I used to previously concur.
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  • #20
This is gross, please take showers.

It might be that skin quality is mostly genetic, but good hygiene and taking care of yourself is more important than you can realize.

Imagine waking up everyday lean in a clean fit with good accessories, makes such a difference that needs to be realized.

Obviously its cope if you are a certain lookslevel, but I think a lean mtn with maxxed stuff and high appeal hair can do well, more well than I used to previously concur.
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