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Skin quality is shit

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Most of the people I've known with shytty skin don't eat enough fruit and vegetables and they're usually obese.
Not obese. I am 6'2" or 6'3" and around 175-180. I don't hit the gym but I have a naturally jacked physique, and I sweat a lot, so that is probably a problem. I eat many fruits and vegetables (I try to aim for 1 pound of fruit daily and at least 3-4 servings of vegetables), but I also notice my acne gets better with the more red meat I consume. That is why I have been interested in the carnivore diet.
This guy lmao
Bro is twinkmaxxing
Besides that, what. Cause I do have light acne on body as well.
more pictures the better, some people are just cursed... Although most of the people I've known with skin problems on their body were dirty bastards that didn't shower often.
No I avoid it like the plague. I also don't get hot water on my hair either. I run it cold when I wash my face and hair in the shower.
I think it must be diet then, maybe pillowcases too ?
Sometimes people just have bad genetics for skin. You'll probably just have to continue skincare and wait a while before hormones and everything subside. Or you could do something like morpheus 8 heat and laser microneedling but that's over a thousand dollars. Accutane would also be a good option, that's what I did and it completely gets rid of acne in 4 months
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  • #35
Sometimes people just have bad genetics for skin. You'll probably just have to continue skincare and wait a while before hormones and everything subside. Or you could do something like morpheus 8 heat and laser microneedling but that's over a thousand dollars. Accutane would also be a good option, that's what I did and it completely gets rid of acne in 4 months
I did accutane twice... haha
I had the same level of acne before and after isotretinoin both times.
What MG did you take and for how long? Cause that is very rare. I was on Accutane for 6 months and my skin started clearing on the 4th month and almost completely cleared over the 6
Luckily it never was worse than it was in the photos. But it cleared and came back pretty much instantly.
Oh ok, my skin was much worse than yours and was alot deeper, so that's probably why it went away and hasn't come back that much for me
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