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Skincare ingredient guide


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
I want to start off this thread by stating this: less is more. Just like compound>iso movements in the gym, using a few skincare ingredients with multiple benefits>using a different product for every little thing.

Step 1: Cleansing
Ideally you want a cleanser that is gentle. It should remove dirt and oil off your skin, yet maintain your skin barrier. If your skin feels “squeaky clean”, your cleanser is too harsh.

Step 2 (optional): active ingredients

Retinoid- The ultimate active ingredient. It has the benefits of promoting skin cell turnover, reducing acne in the long term, anti aging, reducing hyperpigmentation, and even promoting healthy collagen.
Examples: tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene
Apply once a day before bed.

AHA (alpha hydroxy acid)- a type of exfoliating acid. It has the benefits of sloughing off the layer of dead skin, reducing clogged pores, and reducing fine lines and dark spots.
Examples: glycolic acid, lactic acid
Apply a few times a week.

Step 3: moisturizing
This is essential (even for oily skin) if you are using any type of active. Look for a moisturizer that contains ceramides, as this is what your top layer of skin is composed of. We should understand that there is two aspects, hydration and moisturizing. Your skin can be moisturized but still dehydrated.
For hydration:
Hyaluronic acid- this is the most widely used hydrator as it can pull many times its own weight in water to your skin.
Apply morning and/or evening
For moisturizing:
Nourishing moisturizer with ceramides- this will support your skin barrier and health
Apply day and night.
Jojoba oil- You may be wary of putting oil on your skin, but this can be beneficial as jojoba oil is
a. made of fatty acids and lipids that benefit the skin
b. the same consistency as your skin’s natural moisture, so if you are lacking in natural moisture it will help you.

Step 4- sunscreen
This one you have to be careful about. Traditionally, sunscreens contain toxic and harmful ingredients, so we should stay away from those. “All Natural” sunscreens though, are oftentimes not very effective.
A solution is mineral sunscreens, such as zinc oxide. Recently zinc oxide sunscreen has gotten some hate, but it is the lesser evil imo and so that’s what I use.

-EWG Skin Deep is an ingredient checker database to tell you about potential harmful ingredients in cosmetics
have you heard about clean river water ?


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if you want to focus on anti aging consider adding a peptide serum and red light therapy
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