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Skinny Fat

vincent wraus

Jul 12, 2024
Sup, I am 188cm 80kg and I need some advice for skinny fat lower belly and love handles area. My back, arms, shoulders, chest, neck and face are pretty normal I dare to say good for the little workout I do. My upper body is normal/good with some muscles and I have never started working out seriously. I know that I need to build muscles but is there any other advice you guys would give (preferably for love handles and lower to mid stomach level)?
From what I’ve seen, you won’t see love handles go until you reach 18% body fat and keep dropping to 15-12%. Everyone’s fat distributuon is different though.
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FYI I am not super active on these forums so I want to say that I appreciate every piece of advice, thanks!
You have a BMI of 24.7, and it's pretty close to being overweight, which is 25. unless you have insane muscle, you're probably not skinny fat, and I dare to say closer to fat than skinny, so you probably go into a calorie deficit and continue to gain muscle.
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  • #10
You have a BMI of 24.7, and it's pretty close to being overweight, which is 25. unless you have insane muscle, you're probably not skinny fat, and I dare to say closer to fat than skinny, so you probably go into a calorie deficit and continue to gain muscle.
I am not well educated but I believe my BMI is 22.6.
