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New member
Oct 8, 2023
how do i fix this im skinny but i still have a bit of belly fat, i do workout for 30 minutes one or two times a day, and eat less than 1000 calories everyday, im almost underweight so what should i do? should i workout more and eat less, i tried cutting out sugar by drinking black coffee 1-2 times a day before i workout, i tried starving for a day it didnt work cause i was feeling nauseous and i cant focus on my class because of stomachache and ended up eating half of sandwich and a sugary drink when i arrive at home, am i doing something wrong?
if you still have belly fat, you shouldnt be drinking anything sugary. you should be eating less but not to the point where you starve. if you wanna lose the belly fat quick, i recommend jump roping and cardio for losing the stomach, and still working out
how do i fix this im skinny but i still have a bit of belly fat, i do workout for 30 minutes one or two times a day, and eat less than 1000 calories everyday, im almost underweight so what should i do? should i workout more and eat less, i tried cutting out sugar by drinking black coffee 1-2 times a day before i workout, i tried starving for a day it didnt work cause i was feeling nauseous and i cant focus on my class because of stomachache and ended up eating half of sandwich and a sugary drink when i arrive at home, am i doing something wrong?
what’s your average calorie intake? BMR? and protein intake? also are you weight training or just cardio?
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what’s your average calorie intake? BMR? and protein intake? also are you weight training or just cardio?
bmr is 1,055 a day i do cardio for 15-30 mins a day