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Sleeping position?


Active member
Jul 6, 2019
I have been looking this shit up and almost always it says sleep in the right side so your heart has space and some other biological functions of your body work properly but im here like gtfo it would fuck my face harmony so help me.

Rn i sleep no pillow coffin style on my back.
i mostly sleep on back and right side cos i fucked left side of my face up from constantly sleeping on it.
i sleep on back and sometimes left side
Most doctors recommend that one should sleep on their left side, because the human heart is towards the left (slightly). Blood flow is easy and blood transportation is easier to all parts of the body. However, I recommend that one should sleep on their back, it is best not to sleep with a pillow.
BUT, there is something I experience every night, even If I go to sleep on my back, the next morning, I wake up on my left or right side, can't control my sleeping position tbh.
Most doctors recommend that one should sleep on their left side, because the human heart is towards the left (slightly). Blood flow is easy and blood transportation is easier to all parts of the body. However, I recommend that one should sleep on their back, it is best not to sleep with a pillow.
BUT, there is something I experience every night, even If I go to sleep on my back, the next morning, I wake up on my left or right side, can't control my sleeping position tbh.
buy a heavy blanket or stack yourself up in blankets to keep yourself from moving

i sleep with 3 blankets tbh
buy a heavy blanket or stack yourself up in blankets to keep yourself from moving

i sleep with 3 blankets tbh
Three fucken blankets, lol, don't you sweat?
Three fucken blankets, lol, don't you sweat?
sometimes ngl but my body temperature goes down when im sleepy, help with my shitty blood circulation
what about snoring...they say sleeping on the back makes you snore more
Sleep on your back and tuck your chin in.
You can use a pillow to force your head into a chin tuck position.