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Info Softmaxxing Tierlist


Oct 2, 2023

S Tier ( Must do and will yield most drastic improvements )

1) Lean down to 10-15 percent bodyfat %.
2) Working out. cardio will help you lean down and and weight training will build muscle for an aesthetic lean body. Fixes posture if you target your problems.
3) Skincare and grooming. Trim your eyebrows and excess hairs, take showers, invest in a good cleanser and maintain good oral and overall hygiene. Don't go overboard on the eyebrows like funky flamingo.
4) Hair Styling. There is no best hair style, find for one that compliments your features.
5) Style. Don't dress like an user and you should be good. Harmony matters for fashion too so don't blindly copy what works for others.
6) Tretinoin. This is for anti aging purposes and to clear acne and possibly reverse aging symptoms greatly. My nasolabial folds looked much less noticeable after a few months.
7) NT, just be NT
6) Optimizing diet

A Tier ( Really good/ Doesn't hurt to try )

1) Stretching for posture. Will definitely help but you have to fix your lifestyle if you want to fix posture problems permanently.
2) Steroids. Gives insane gains really fast and is generally safe is you know what you are doing. Side effects are shitty and will f**k up endocrine system so it will be in A tier
3) SARMS. Sides vary greatly. Many fake SARMS exist out there, only buy from Chemyo and other repped sources. Research chemical so many variants not extensively studied.
4) Eyelid pulling. Could be straight up copium but I feel like it's made a difference for me in reducing UEE. Definitely worth a shot.

B Tier ( Why not )

1) Sleeping on your back. Never found it to make a noticeable difference. No change in posture or morning bloat.
2) Fasting. Works for some but if you eat clean with decent self control you can be lean AND healthy.
3) Supplementation. Unless supplementing for something very specific such as D3, K2 or Calcium and Creatine, supplement companies can be very deceiving selling you cheap variants of the supplement you need that are way less bioavailable. Better of eating a clean diet.
4) Gua Sha. Does work but since I've stopped eating like shit, never found for morning bloat to be that huge of a deal
5) Tan and coloring. Only for white people and olive skin. Wont make that much of a difference for most people.
6) Social drugs. It's a gateway, don't use them unless it's weed

C Tier ( C for Cope )

1) Bones mashing. Only creates temporary swelling. Stop using UFC fighters as examples, they actually take punches, not just tapping their face like a f****t Infront of a mirror
2) Jestermaxxing. Not worth it
3) Shoe lifts, embarrassing if you're ever gonna take them off/get caught.
4) Sucking in your cheeks, good for you if you can keep it up 24/7

Shit Tier

1) Subliminals
2) Thugmaxxing
3) Nice guy persona
4) Being the silent "sigma"
5) Jelqing
6) Icehooding
Bro owns the forum

S Tier ( Must do and will yield most drastic improvements )

1) Lean down to 10-15 percent bodyfat %.
2) Working out. cardio will help you lean down and and weight training will build muscle for an aesthetic lean body. Fixes posture if you target your problems.
3) Skincare and grooming. Trim your eyebrows and excess hairs, take showers, invest in a good cleanser and maintain good oral and overall hygiene. Don't go overboard on the eyebrows like funky flamingo.
4) Hair Styling. There is no best hair style, find for one that compliments your features.
5) Style. Don't dress like an user and you should be good. Harmony matters for fashion too so don't blindly copy what works for others.
6) Tretinoin. This is for anti aging purposes and to clear acne and possibly reverse aging symptoms greatly. My nasolabial folds looked much less noticeable after a few months.
7) NT, just be NT
6) Optimizing diet

A Tier ( Really good/ Doesn't hurt to try )

1) Stretching for posture. Will definitely help but you have to fix your lifestyle if you want to fix posture problems permanently.
2) Steroids. Gives insane gains really fast and is generally safe is you know what you are doing. Side effects are shitty and will f**k up endocrine system so it will be in A tier
3) SARMS. Sides vary greatly. Many fake SARMS exist out there, only buy from Chemyo and other repped sources. Research chemical so many variants not extensively studied.
4) Eyelid pulling. Could be straight up copium but I feel like it's made a difference for me in reducing UEE. Definitely worth a shot.

B Tier ( Why not )

1) Sleeping on your back. Never found it to make a noticeable difference. No change in posture or morning bloat.
2) Fasting. Works for some but if you eat clean with decent self control you can be lean AND healthy.
3) Supplementation. Unless supplementing for something very specific such as D3, K2 or Calcium and Creatine, supplement companies can be very deceiving selling you cheap variants of the supplement you need that are way less bioavailable. Better of eating a clean diet.
4) Gua Sha. Does work but since I've stopped eating like shit, never found for morning bloat to be that huge of a deal
5) Tan and coloring. Only for white people and olive skin. Wont make that much of a difference for most people.
6) Social drugs. It's a gateway, don't use them unless it's weed

C Tier ( C for Cope )

1) Bones mashing. Only creates temporary swelling. Stop using UFC fighters as examples, they actually take punches, not just tapping their face like a f****t Infront of a mirror
2) Jestermaxxing. Not worth it
3) Shoe lifts, embarrassing if you're ever gonna take them off/get caught.
4) Sucking in your cheeks, good for you if you can keep it up 24/7

Shit Tier

1) Subliminals
2) Thugmaxxing
3) Nice guy persona
4) Being the silent "sigma"
5) Jelqing
6) Icehooding
Thug maxxing is s tier actually 🤓👆
1) Bones mashing. Only creates temporary swelling. Stop using UFC fighters as examples, they actually take punches, not just tapping their face like a f****t Infront of a mirror
nuh uh, i got results from bonesmashing

S Tier ( Must do and will yield most drastic improvements )

1) Lean down to 10-15 percent bodyfat %.
2) Working out. cardio will help you lean down and and weight training will build muscle for an aesthetic lean body. Fixes posture if you target your problems.
3) Skincare and grooming. Trim your eyebrows and excess hairs, take showers, invest in a good cleanser and maintain good oral and overall hygiene. Don't go overboard on the eyebrows like funky flamingo.
4) Hair Styling. There is no best hair style, find for one that compliments your features.
5) Style. Don't dress like an user and you should be good. Harmony matters for fashion too so don't blindly copy what works for others.
6) Tretinoin. This is for anti aging purposes and to clear acne and possibly reverse aging symptoms greatly. My nasolabial folds looked much less noticeable after a few months.
7) NT, just be NT
6) Optimizing diet

A Tier ( Really good/ Doesn't hurt to try )

1) Stretching for posture. Will definitely help but you have to fix your lifestyle if you want to fix posture problems permanently.
2) Steroids. Gives insane gains really fast and is generally safe is you know what you are doing. Side effects are shitty and will f**k up endocrine system so it will be in A tier
3) SARMS. Sides vary greatly. Many fake SARMS exist out there, only buy from Chemyo and other repped sources. Research chemical so many variants not extensively studied.
4) Eyelid pulling. Could be straight up copium but I feel like it's made a difference for me in reducing UEE. Definitely worth a shot.

B Tier ( Why not )

1) Sleeping on your back. Never found it to make a noticeable difference. No change in posture or morning bloat.
2) Fasting. Works for some but if you eat clean with decent self control you can be lean AND healthy.
3) Supplementation. Unless supplementing for something very specific such as D3, K2 or Calcium and Creatine, supplement companies can be very deceiving selling you cheap variants of the supplement you need that are way less bioavailable. Better of eating a clean diet.
4) Gua Sha. Does work but since I've stopped eating like shit, never found for morning bloat to be that huge of a deal
5) Tan and coloring. Only for white people and olive skin. Wont make that much of a difference for most people.
6) Social drugs. It's a gateway, don't use them unless it's weed

C Tier ( C for Cope )

1) Bones mashing. Only creates temporary swelling. Stop using UFC fighters as examples, they actually take punches, not just tapping their face like a f****t Infront of a mirror
2) Jestermaxxing. Not worth it
3) Shoe lifts, embarrassing if you're ever gonna take them off/get caught.
4) Sucking in your cheeks, good for you if you can keep it up 24/7

Shit Tier

1) Subliminals
2) Thugmaxxing
3) Nice guy persona
4) Being the silent "sigma"
5) Jelqing
6) Icehooding
great thread ong

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