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Info Something interesting Georg Pfau says about soy

Jan 6, 2021
Buddyboyo's house

Soy is on everyone's lips. Literally. Because the soybean comes from the Far East, it is generally and unreflectingly attested to have a health-promoting effect. But this cannot be accepted so easily.

Soy contains substances with an estrogen-like effect. So it is a phytoestrogen, an estrogen derived from the plant world. Estrogens are the most important female sex hormones.

Phytoestrogens occupy estrogen receptors and produce an estrogen-like effect in men and women. And because they keep the body's own estrogen away from the receptor, but only have about 10% of the effect of the body's own estrogen, they reduce the effect of estrogen and can thus reduce estrogen-associated diseases.

So much for the biological background, which is only correct in women - and in overweight men.

Slim men, namely men with a body fat content of less than 16%, do not have any estrogen of their own, which would be detectable in the blood serum. When testing slim men for serum estrogen levels, the result is always the same: below the detection limit of 10 pg / ml.

Soy is definitely counterproductive for these men: because there is no endogenous hormone in the blood, the phytoestrogens in the soybean cannot keep it away from the receptor. So the following applies: In slim men, soy increases the estrogen effect.

Soy reduces the effects of estrogen in overweight men (and women). This could be seen as a positive effect, but it would be much better to work on reducing obesity. Several positive effects could be achieved in this way.

Summary: Soy is basically dispensable for men, and even counterproductive for slim men!

Protein shakes with soy milk are therefore not recommended for men.

The most unusual take from such a black pilled doctor is soy actually lowers estrogen in men that have a higher body fat % as it has much weaker estrogens and prevents the strongest ones from binding. Oh well at least he's giga blackpilled on slim body fat %, seriously.
