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"Stop complaining that you're skinny and narrow framed, you need to lift brah"

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
It's just all About hard work and dedication r-r-right?

jfl frame.jpg

jfl frame 2.jpg
jfl frame 3.png

jfl frame 4.jpg

jfl frame 5.png

Meanwhile barely trained to untrained chads:

chad frame.jpg

chad frame 2.jpg

These misc autists and normies are so fucking dumb and stupid.

"You Need to eat more along with muh progressive hypertrophy"

and a success example they use narrow framed bloatmaxxed disgusting meaty looking Bodybuilders with 40-60kg of muscle mass and a BMI of 45 who wont live past 40 years

Yeah i want to be a bloated roid abusing meatball with Sleep apnea and high blood pressure who cant walk a couple of stairs without gassing out rather than a naturally wide framed and athletic chad with a moderate amount of muscle mass

additional Bonus:

Ive secretly bought and injected some testosterone from the Internet along with using tyrones chicken stock as a Protein source

but unfortunately tyrone caught me and punished me badly, at first he turned my anus into a gigantic bloody crater, then my back was used as a footrest for 8 hours for my wife and her Friends during their ladies night

and at last tyrone forced me to pull off my Shirt so that he can take embarrasing Pictures of my childish twink Frame to post them all across the web

twink frame 2.jpg

Hopefully he will not burn my soylent ration in the oven where he already burned my testicles after he castrated me
It's just all About hard work and dedication r-r-right?

View attachment 4484

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View attachment 4495

Meanwhile barely trained to untrained chads:

View attachment 4490

View attachment 4498

These misc autists and normies are so fucking dumb and stupid.

"You Need to eat more along with muh progressive hypertrophy"

and a success example they use narrow framed bloatmaxxed disgusting meaty looking Bodybuilders with 40-60kg of muscle mass and a BMI of 45 who wont live past 40 years

Yeah i want to be a bloated roid abusing meatball with Sleep apnea and high blood pressure who cant walk a couple of stairs without gassing out rather than a naturally wide framed and athletic chad with a moderate amount of muscle mass

additional Bonus:

Ive secretly bought and injected some testosterone from the Internet along with using tyrones chicken stock as a Protein source

but unfortunately tyrone caught me and punished me badly, at first he turned my anus into a gigantic bloody crater, then my back was used as a footrest for 8 hours for my wife and her Friends during their ladies night

and at last tyrone forced me to pull off my Shirt so that he can take embarrasing Pictures of my childish twink Frame to post them all across the web

View attachment 4500

Hopefully he will not burn my soylent ration in the oven where he already burned my testicles after he castrated me
these are so good ngl keep posting pls
It's just all About hard work and dedication r-r-right?

View attachment 4484

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View attachment 4488

View attachment 4489

View attachment 4495

Meanwhile barely trained to untrained chads:

View attachment 4490

View attachment 4498

These misc autists and normies are so fucking dumb and stupid.

"You Need to eat more along with muh progressive hypertrophy"

and a success example they use narrow framed bloatmaxxed disgusting meaty looking Bodybuilders with 40-60kg of muscle mass and a BMI of 45 who wont live past 40 years

Yeah i want to be a bloated roid abusing meatball with Sleep apnea and high blood pressure who cant walk a couple of stairs without gassing out rather than a naturally wide framed and athletic chad with a moderate amount of muscle mass

additional Bonus:

Ive secretly bought and injected some testosterone from the Internet along with using tyrones chicken stock as a Protein source

but unfortunately tyrone caught me and punished me badly, at first he turned my anus into a gigantic bloody crater, then my back was used as a footrest for 8 hours for my wife and her Friends during their ladies night

and at last tyrone forced me to pull off my Shirt so that he can take embarrasing Pictures of my childish twink Frame to post them all across the web

View attachment 4500

Hopefully he will not burn my soylent ration in the oven where he already burned my testicles after he castrated me
Good post. But stop with the gay domination fantasies. It's just gross and unethical.
This guy looks way better than he would have if he didnt lift.
jfl frame.jpg
Yes he'll never look like this
chad frame 2.jpg

But that's still a massive improvement over being a literal twig.
Would he be better off looking like this
images - 2019-09-08T000423.348.jpeg
I don't think so.