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Subhuman trait: Flat recessed zygo/malar/infra orbital rims/ogee curve

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
It's a typical modern dysgenic cuck trait

as a man you dont extreme protruding cheekbones to look aesthetic (sean opry has relatively flat ones) but having totally recessed cheekbones makes you look like a inbred cuck

However there are different Kinds of cheekbones, men usually have a strong wide striking zygos with a more flat Forward projection while women have a strong Forward projcting malar sector but a more narrow zygomatic arch

the masculinization of women and the feminization of men due to Estrogen receptor desensitization/oversenitization has lead to a Society with lots of women with warrior Tier zygomatic arch and men with peasant Tier bone structure

A strong lateral zygomatich arch is one of the most fundamental high Fighting success indicators, along with very high set and Forward projecting infra orbital rims which are supped to protect the eye area

Especially the infra orbital rim are very important for your eye Expression, if you have low set hollow recessed infra orbital rims then you will have the typical aspie like pedo stare

recessed orbital.jpg

Look at the dark hollowness under his eyes, he Looks like he rubbed shit under his eyes, it Looks dirty and unaesthetic asfuck

Although some men have a very brutish phenotype where it fits in, but These men have usually a very masculine facial Expression which why it fits to their look

But if you have a average facial Expression and masculinity, then it will make you look like a literal subhuman

fortunately recessed infra orbital rims can be easily cured by fillers

BUT a recessed malar or zygomatich arch comple CAN ABSOLUTELY NOT be corrected, fillers/implants/Zygo osteotomy give you only a feminine bloated appearance

Only eppleys zygomatich arch implants are able to provide a masculine high chiseled cheekbone look, although they still dont really look natural

Zygomatich arch osteotomy feminizes the cheekbones, it increases the lower lateral Edge projection of the frontal malar complex which results in more low set Looking cheekbones

it's generally impossible to effectively increase the ogee curve projection, implants and osteotomies are simply not able to mimic a natural strong horizontal and Forward growth

If you have truly recessed cheekbones then it's simply over
Only eppleys zygomatich arch implants are able to provide a masculine high chiseled cheekbone look, although they still dont really look natural
This Yaremchuk implant looks good too, although it does not cover the whole zygomatic arch.
Looks like fillers and a lipo

he's still invisible to women
Apparently he got buccal fat removal and a rhinoplasty.

I guess there was still some swelling left when these pictures were taken, since I have seen other after pics of that guy and his results look more impressive.



It's a typical modern dysgenic cuck trait

as a man you dont extreme protruding cheekbones to look aesthetic (sean opry has relatively flat ones) but having totally recessed cheekbones makes you look like a inbred cuck

However there are different Kinds of cheekbones, men usually have a strong wide striking zygos with a more flat Forward projection while women have a strong Forward projcting malar sector but a more narrow zygomatic arch

the masculinization of women and the feminization of men due to Estrogen receptor desensitization/oversenitization has lead to a Society with lots of women with warrior Tier zygomatic arch and men with peasant Tier bone structure

A strong lateral zygomatich arch is one of the most fundamental high Fighting success indicators, along with very high set and Forward projecting infra orbital rims which are supped to protect the eye area

Especially the infra orbital rim are very important for your eye Expression, if you have low set hollow recessed infra orbital rims then you will have the typical aspie like pedo stare

View attachment 7414

Look at the dark hollowness under his eyes, he Looks like he rubbed shit under his eyes, it Looks dirty and unaesthetic asfuck

Although some men have a very brutish phenotype where it fits in, but These men have usually a very masculine facial Expression which why it fits to their look

But if you have a average facial Expression and masculinity, then it will make you look like a literal subhuman

fortunately recessed infra orbital rims can be easily cured by fillers

BUT a recessed malar or zygomatich arch comple CAN ABSOLUTELY NOT be corrected, fillers/implants/Zygo osteotomy give you only a feminine bloated appearance

Only eppleys zygomatich arch implants are able to provide a masculine high chiseled cheekbone look, although they still dont really look natural

Zygomatich arch osteotomy feminizes the cheekbones, it increases the lower lateral Edge projection of the frontal malar complex which results in more low set Looking cheekbones

it's generally impossible to effectively increase the ogee curve projection, implants and osteotomies are simply not able to mimic a natural strong horizontal and Forward growth

If you have truly recessed cheekbones then it's simply over
WHat about a youugcel like me whose is in puberty getting MSE? Also could T maxxing natty fix my zygomatic arch?