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Discussion Subtle bone theory


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
So I am trying to figure out why I don't have looksmaxxed features. I think some of it is bloat, but debloating won't fix it I think. And some suggestions say "just dehydrate yourself to debloat". If it was that easy, then all 5's would become 10's in summertime.

So I ended up just stretching my skin so I could see my overall bone structure. I think the problem is my bone structure, far more than just bloat. I made a picture to show you what the issue is, @Nihilus maybe you could explain the technicalities of it:

so your zygos are wide but you are not forwardly projected , if thats the case then your ogee curve wont look good
how is your maxilla ?
Just have good bones that Pierce through your skin, if you do then Bloat and Body fat wont have a large impact. Astrosky for example is not Bloated but he is in a kinda high body fat but his Slayer Skull allows him to still have hallow cheeks
Just have good bones that Pierce through your skin, if you do then Bloat and Body fat wont have a large impact. Astrosky for example is not Bloated he is in a kinda high body fat but his Slayer Skull allows him to still have hallow cheeks
astrosky has top tier cheekbones tbh , high and wide
yea my ogee curve is pretty much this, ogre

it looks flat , yeah
unsure, normal i think
sure ? is it recessed or something ?
You will need more bones then ig
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You will need more bones then ig
Can't stand normcucks, sub5 males who are content with their mediocrity, soyjacks, etc.

How can someone be fine looking like this?

Yet somehow probably most of them have gfs and get more pussy than me.

Probably because they are wagecucks and work hard all the time and are positive. While I am more depressed and have more depth to my personality and am higher iq

Basically they are annoying af spongebobs that want to be frycooks while I am a cultured squidward and tired of annoying af ice-cream truck noises. Meanwhile most of theys soyjacks probably have so low awareness they do not even hear the icecream trucks and are not even aware of ice-cream trucks existence because of how low awareness they have.

For example most of them will gush over Mario Kart 8 DLC meanwhile I know most of the DLC maps were just lazy imports from Mario Kart Tour Mobile game folders
Can't stand normcucks, sub5 males who are content with their mediocrity, soyjacks, etc.

How can someone be fine looking like this?
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Yet somehow probably most of them have gfs and get more pussy than me.

Probably because they are wagecucks and work hard all the time and are positive. While I am more depressed and have more depth to my personality and am higher iq

Basically they are annoying af spongebobs that want to be frycooks while I am a cultured squidward and tired of annoying af ice-cream truck noises. Meanwhile most of theys soyjacks probably have so low awareness they do not even hear the icecream trucks and are not even aware of ice-cream trucks existence because of how low awareness they have.

For example most of them will gush over Mario Kart 8 DLC meanwhile I know most of the DLC maps were just lazy imports from Mario Kart Tour Mobile game folders
Jova for self awareness

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