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Teenagers piss me off opinion from an oldcel

What are you talking about? I live in Ireland, the closest thing we have to puerto ricans are pakistanis. He is objectively attractive facially. I don't know why you're saying I have a crush on him 😭
this is so true,in the uk there r barely any latinos or latinas
No way you live in Ireland 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 everyone let’s point and laugh. In seriousness though, does it legit not bother you AT ALL that he has wider hips than shoulders?
never been that deep tbh,his frame ain't that bad plus face and hair carry
having a body like that don't make it over
I mean to say this in the nicest way possible, but girls who like look you tend to like those puerto rican pretty boys. Also, why do you even find him attractive? Look at his frame, does it not bother you that his hips are literally wider than his shoulders? @sigma I know you can relate to that
jfl atp your trolling 😭 😭 😭
Nvm, thoguht i knew you.

Bruh yes look at his hips, legit wider than his shoulders and he’s got a hoodie on too. His face has high appeal to Latinas and black girls though.
Its not its the sweatpants
They make ur hips look wider
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  • #55
I mean to say this in the nicest way possible, but girls who like look you tend to like those puerto rican pretty boys. Also, why do you even find him attractive? Look at his frame, does it not bother you that his hips are literally wider than his shoulders? @sigma I know you can relate to that
my shoulders are wider than my hips
I've rated him before. By appeal he's like an 8
I knew it! I was wrong, you don’t like white pretty boys you like puerto rican curl heads and edgar’s, probably black dreadheads as well.
my waist is fat
It’s over, you defintely have Klinefelters Syndrome. Get on 500mg of Test E if possible, QSC sells roids for cheap maybe check them out.
I've never met a puerto rican or a mexican, you right about dreadheads though icl
So I take it that you like toxic guys over nice guys?
It’s over, you defintely have Klinefelters Syndrome. Get on 500mg of Test E if possible, QSC sells roids for cheap maybe check them out.

So I take it that you like toxic guys over nice guys?
no, you can't learn about women from incel forums and social media. You need real world experience
no, you can't learn about women from incel forums and social media. You need real world experience
Cope, what you mean is that what girls want is a Tall, Dimorphic Chad, they don’t want no betabuxx sub 5 manlets. It’s over, we need to rope now and we’ll never ascend and get a girlfriend.
Cope, what you mean is that what girls want is a Tall, Dimorphic Chad, they don’t want no betabuxx sub 5 manlets. It’s over, we need to rope now and we’ll never ascend and get a girlfriend.
When you go to school, do you just see only tall chads in relationships, because I for sure don't. Most people I see in relationships are MTN coupled with MTB. You don't have to be chad, you just have to be NT.
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  • #71
When you go to school, do you just see only tall chads in relationships, because I for sure don't. Most people I see in relationships are MTN coupled with MTB. You don't have to be chad, you just have to be NT.
NT is law, you can't improve it, if you're born ND, and have ASD you are doomed to inceldom for life unless you're good-looking and tall.

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