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Teenagers piss me off opinion from an oldcel

So sigma is just chatting then?

No, you can still ascend by 35 if you start taking skincare and hair seriously by 20.

Don’t have kids if you’re going to rope! Unless your wife/their mom is a b***h then totally do it.
I'll play it off like i died off natural causes
i mog the shit out of them
yup. and the sperm donor qualifications are based off of what women want. because if there was a 5'2 schizo ginger no woman would want his sperm. so sperm donors are a really good way to see what women see as ideal
yup. and the sperm donor qualifications are based off of what women want. because if there was a 5'2 schizo ginger no woman would want his sperm. so sperm donors are a really good way to see what women see as ideal
this is why i sneak random peoples sperm in the containment facility so that they have to suffer for being ideal only
I mean to say this in the nicest way possible, but girls who like look you tend to like those puerto rican pretty boys. Also, why do you even find him attractive? Look at his frame, does it not bother you that his hips are literally wider than his shoulders? @sigma I know you can relate to that
nobody except u looksmaxxer mfs notice that stuff
his face looks good
If you’re a teenager on here, WTF is even the point?!

Go slay while you can, it’s mega f*****g easy. Don’t end up like me and rot…it sucks!

GET THE f**k OUT! Fakecel teenagers, you have your whole life ahead of you, I don’t. You PISS. ME. OFF!
looksmaxxing while teen age means acknowledging healthy diets, hgh, testosterone, bones and how to live in such way to enhance those

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