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Guide Teeth Whitening [MEGATHREAD]


Well-known member
Jul 4, 2019
They advise brushing for two minutes, twice a day, usually in the morning and before you go to bed at night. Each time you brush, be sure to clean the inner, outer, and chewing sides of your teeth.


For the vast majority of people, a soft-bristled toothbrush will be the most comfortable and safest choice. Depending on how vigorously you brush your teeth and the strength of your teeth, medium- and hard-bristled brushes could actually damage the gums, root surface, and protective tooth enamel.

Electric Toothbrush is preferred

- Soda
- Coffee/Tea
- Soy Sauce
- Dark Juices


A professional dental cleaning at least twice a year can improve your oral health, reports the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), an organization of general dentists dedicated to continuing dental education. The AGD strongly recommends that a dentist or hygienist perform a dental cleaning every six months.


Whitening Methods

1) Whitening gel of either Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide

Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide Peroxide is the most popular of the whitening systems. It is also the weaker of the two at a given % strength. It is the safer and less painful of the two. But it is similarly less effective at whitening. In general, I would suggest you start with Carbamide Peroxide, first. I would hold off on Hydrogen Peroxide unless you find that you don't respond to Carbamide Peroxide.

Carbamide Peroxide comes in strengths ranging from 5%-44%. I would strongly suggest starting in the 20% range. Nearly all people can tolerate that strength without too much pain. I would only buy the 10% if you try the 20% and find your teeth are just too sensitive. The 35% and 44% versions are quite strong. I would not suggest starting with these. You may want to consider them after your first treatment, if you didn't get your teeth as white as you wanted.

I have personally used and can vouch for
20% Opalesence $24
35% Rapid Effects $8 (I know, its under $10 price made me skeptical too, but it's legit and works).

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is by far the most powerful of the two. This stuff is so strong that if you leave it open next to 2Chainz bed, he'll look like Macklemore by the morning.

It is 3x as powerful % to % as Carbamide Peroxide. This stuff is effective. Almost anyone can get teeth in the range of A3-A4 when using this at high strengths. However, it comes with downsides that you should consider. The most important is the potential to damage enamel. It's not uncommon for someone using high strength Hydrogen Peroxide to do permanent damage to their enamel. This stuff is strong, so be careful with it!

Hydrogen Peroxide at 12% is similar to Carbamide Peroxide at 35%. Unfortunately, I have never seen legit Hydrogen Peroxide sold above 12% strength. Does that mean that you should never use it? I would only suggest it if you've tried at least 35% Carbamide Peroxide and still want better results. While it's strength equivalent, it isn't the same. It works a lot faster and it's also stronger when paired with an LED light. I'd consider it a last resort, but I would suggest trying it, if you've used 44% Carbamide Peroxide and still need something more(this will be less than 10% of you).

Other supplies
You will need trays to put the gel in. You will also need remineralizing gel. It will be used after every treatment(you also put it in the tray after washing it). You may consider getting cotton makeup pads, and placing one under your tongue when you use the trays to soak up saliva.

The session
Your session time is important to your success. If you don't use the gel for at least 20 minutes, your results will be poor. But if you use it more than an hour, you're basically spinning your wheels. It's a waste of time and is not more effective than an hour.
The optimal time is one hour of whitening

After Whitening
After every single whitening session, I'd suggest using remineralizing gel. The process of bleaching is harsh on your teeth and they can become dry if not treated. It also reduces pain felt in the coming days after a treatment.

Length of whitening cycle
You should whiten your teeth every single day, with no rest days for 14 days total. There have been studies on this, and it is the most effective way. Doing EoD or longer than 14 days is not optimal.
Daily treatment for 14 days offers 90% of the total results of a cycle vs 42 days

Months rest before next cycle
Your teeth need months to recover. You must wait at least 6 months between treatments. Failure to wait can result in enamel damage, and even lessen the effectiveness of the whitening treatment.

2) Oil Pulling (use coconut oil)

Oil pulling is an ancient, Indian folk remedy claimed to whiten your teeth, freshen your breath and greatly improve your oral health.

Coconut oil. That’s literally it.

First, you’re gonna want to take about a fingertip full of coconut oil. Any oil can be used, but coconut oil is the only one that doesn’t taste absolutely repulsive.

Secondly, put the oil in your mouth and swish it around for 30 minutes to an hour. It’s going to taste like shit at first but eventually it’ll melt and lose its flavour. Stick with this because the longer you do it the better the results

Finally, once you’ve done it for a good amount of time, spit it out in the garbage or outside cause it will clog your sink.

You should notice significantly whiter teeth, and after doing it once every few days you should have results basically equal to teeth whitening.




3) Laser teeth whitening




4) Crest 3d strips


Teeth whitening strips contain peroxide or bleach. Thus, they work to whiten your teeth the same way bleach works to whiten your clothes or your hair. The peroxide bleaches color from your teeth in order to restore their natural, white color. Most whitening strips are made out of polyethylene, which is a thin, elastic type of plastic. The plastic is coated with peroxide, and certain types of strips contain more than others. You apply the strips to your teeth according to the package directions so that the peroxide comes into contact with your enamel. This allows the peroxide to remove stains and discoloration from the surface of your teeth. Some strips need to be removed after a certain period of time, while others do not.

Use whitening strips that contain chlorine dioxide, you could destroy the enamel on your teeth. Chlorine dioxide is the same acid that is used to disinfect swimming pools. It whitens teeth by eating away at the surface of the enamel. Essentially, you are wearing down the enamel on your teeth and increasing your risk for tooth decay if you use this type of whitening strip.


Local pharmacy, retail store, or online.

As low as $10

5) Activated Charcoal


Activated charcoal in toothpaste/powder may help remove surface stains on your teeth. Activated charcoal is different from regular charcoal as it has been processed differently so that is has more actual activity. Charcoal is mildly abrasive and is also able to absorb surface stains to some degree. There is no evidence, though, that it has any effect on stains below a tooth's enamel, or that it has a natural whitening effect.


WHERE TO GET IT: Local retail stores, Amazon, Ebay. etc.

COST: $5-$30

PS: Yes I know I did pilfer many ideas and tips from lookism and looksmax in combination with YouTube and other websites.

@Alban @Ada Mustang @admin @Pendejo @john what do you guys think
Hey I'm just trying to post some legit info bro
After all the complaints of dead forum and too much shitposting I decided to do something.
Ya ik super white teeth won't make you Chad duh!
i dont see semen included in your thread so its pretty much a shitpost
1) Brush teeth morning/evening(floss once a day) *electric toothbrush preferred
2) Avoid staining foods such as soda, coffee, soy sauce, tea, etc.
3) Visit dentist for annual cleaning

Whitening Methods
1) Whitening gel of either Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide

Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide Peroxide is the most popular of the whitening systems. It is also the weaker of the two at a given % strength. It is the safer and less painful of the two. But it is similarly less effective at whitening. In general, I would suggest you start with Carbamide Peroxide, first. I would hold off on Hydrogen Peroxide unless you find that you don't respond to Carbamide Peroxide.

Carbamide Peroxide comes in strengths ranging from 5%-44%. I would strongly suggest starting in the 20% range. Nearly all people can tolerate that strength without too much pain. I would only buy the 10% if you try the 20% and find your teeth are just too sensitive. The 35% and 44% versions are quite strong. I would not suggest starting with these. You may want to consider them after your first treatment, if you didn't get your teeth as white as you wanted.

I have personally used and can vouch for
20% Opalesence $24
35% Rapid Effects $8 (I know, its under $10 price made me skeptical too, but it's legit and works).

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is by far the most powerful of the two. This stuff is so strong that if you leave it open next to 2Chainz bed, he'll look like Macklemore by the morning.

It is 3x as powerful % to % as Carbamide Peroxide. This stuff is effective. Almost anyone can get teeth in the range of A3-A4 when using this at high strengths. However, it comes with downsides that you should consider. The most important is the potential to damage enamel. It's not uncommon for someone using high strength Hydrogen Peroxide to do permanent damage to their enamel. This stuff is strong, so be careful with it!

Hydrogen Peroxide at 12% is similar to Carbamide Peroxide at 35%. Unfortunately, I have never seen legit Hydrogen Peroxide sold above 12% strength. Does that mean that you should never use it? I would only suggest it if you've tried at least 35% Carbamide Peroxide and still want better results. While it's strength equivalent, it isn't the same. It works a lot faster, and it is also stronger when paired with an LED light. I'd consider it a last resort, but I would suggest trying it, if you've used 44% Carbamide Peroxide and still need something more(this will be less than 10% of you).

Other supplies
You will need trays to put the gel in. You will also need remineralizing gel. It will be used after every treatment(you also put it in the tray after washing it). You may consider getting cotton makeup pads, and placing one under your tongue when you use the trays to soak up saliva.

The session
Your session time is important to your success. If you don't use the gel for at least 20 minutes, your results will be poor. But if you use it more than an hour, you're basically spinning your wheels. It's a waste of time and is not more effective than an hour.
The optimal time is one hour of whitening

After Whitening
After every single whitening session, I'd suggest using remineralizing gel. The process of bleaching is harsh on your teeth and they can become dry if not treated. It also reduces pain felt in the coming days after a treatment.

Length of whitening cycle
You should whiten your teeth every single day, with no rest days for 14 days total. There have been studies on this, and it is the most effective way. Doing EoD or longer than 14 days is not optimal.
Daily treatment for 14 days offers 90% of the total results of a cycle vs 42 days

Months rest before next cycle
Your teeth need months to recover. You must wait at least 6 months between treatments. Failure to wait can result in enamel damage, and even lessen the effectiveness of the whitening treatment.

2) Oil Pulling (use coconut oil)


Coconut oil. That’s literally it

First, you’re gonna want to take about a fingertip full of coconut oil. Any oil can be used, but coconut oil is the only one that doesn’t taste absolutely repulsive.

Secondly, put the oil in your mouth and swish it around for 30 minutes to an hour. It’s going to taste like shit at first but eventually it’ll melt and lose its flavour. Stick with this because the longer you do it the better the results

Finally, once you’ve done it for a good amount of time, spit it out in the garbage or outside cause it will clog your sink.

You should notice significantly whiter teeth, and after doing it once every few days you should have results basically equal to teeth whitening.

3) Laser teeth whitening

Cost anywhere from $100 and up

4) Crest 3d strips

Can be found at your local pharmacy or retail store.
View attachment 2815

5) Bonus(activated charcoal)

PS: yes I know I did pilfer many ideas and tips from lookism and looksmax in combination with YouTube and other websites.

@Alban @Ada Mustang @admin @Pendejo @john what do you guys think
floss 3 times a week imho instead. part of flossing is also damaging a bit the gums so that they become stronger over time (that's why ppl who don't really floss regularly get bloody when they do), so if you're not letting the gums enough time to recover it's actually going to be counterproductive
floss 3 times a week imho instead. part of flossing is also damaging a bit the gums so that they become stronger over time (that's why ppl who don't really floss regularly get bloody when they do), so if you're not letting the gums enough time to recover it's actually going to be counterproductive
flossing as in with a string or with mouthwash?
flossing as in with a string or with mouthwash?
don't use mouthwash to replace flossing, running a liquid through your mouth isn't nearly as effective at removing gunk between your teeth as actually running a string inbetween your teeth
floss 3 times a week imho instead. part of flossing is also damaging a bit the gums so that they become stronger over time (that's why ppl who don't really floss regularly get bloody when they do), so if you're not letting the gums enough time to recover it's actually going to be counterproductive
Idk tbh I floss once a day for the past few years consistently....haven't seen or felt gum damage or reccesion. Doc aka dentist said they were good too
don't use mouthwash to replace flossing, running a liquid through your mouth isn't nearly as effective at removing gunk between your teeth as actually running a string inbetween your teeth
it is ogre my friend
Idk tbh I floss once a day for the past few years consistently....haven't seen or felt gum damage or reccesion. Doc aka dentist said they were good too
that's also good i guess. but if you've never really had the habit of flossing (and trust me, a lot of people don't) i think it's better to go easy at first
flossing as in with a string or with mouthwash?
Dont recommend mouthwash at all tbh
Listerine or mouthwash whatever you wanna call it was previously used as floor cleaner and treatment for gonorrhea....then remarketed as mouthwash.
Also dangerous if swallowed so just avoid it imo
1) Brush teeth morning/evening(floss once a day) *electric toothbrush preferred
2) Avoid staining foods such as soda, coffee, soy sauce, tea, etc.
3) Visit dentist for annual cleaning

Whitening Methods
1) Whitening gel of either Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide

Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide Peroxide is the most popular of the whitening systems. It is also the weaker of the two at a given % strength. It is the safer and less painful of the two. But it is similarly less effective at whitening. In general, I would suggest you start with Carbamide Peroxide, first. I would hold off on Hydrogen Peroxide unless you find that you don't respond to Carbamide Peroxide.

Carbamide Peroxide comes in strengths ranging from 5%-44%. I would strongly suggest starting in the 20% range. Nearly all people can tolerate that strength without too much pain. I would only buy the 10% if you try the 20% and find your teeth are just too sensitive. The 35% and 44% versions are quite strong. I would not suggest starting with these. You may want to consider them after your first treatment, if you didn't get your teeth as white as you wanted.

I have personally used and can vouch for
20% Opalesence $24
35% Rapid Effects $8 (I know, its under $10 price made me skeptical too, but it's legit and works).

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is by far the most powerful of the two. This stuff is so strong that if you leave it open next to 2Chainz bed, he'll look like Macklemore by the morning.

It is 3x as powerful % to % as Carbamide Peroxide. This stuff is effective. Almost anyone can get teeth in the range of A3-A4 when using this at high strengths. However, it comes with downsides that you should consider. The most important is the potential to damage enamel. It's not uncommon for someone using high strength Hydrogen Peroxide to do permanent damage to their enamel. This stuff is strong, so be careful with it!

Hydrogen Peroxide at 12% is similar to Carbamide Peroxide at 35%. Unfortunately, I have never seen legit Hydrogen Peroxide sold above 12% strength. Does that mean that you should never use it? I would only suggest it if you've tried at least 35% Carbamide Peroxide and still want better results. While it's strength equivalent, it isn't the same. It works a lot faster, and it is also stronger when paired with an LED light. I'd consider it a last resort, but I would suggest trying it, if you've used 44% Carbamide Peroxide and still need something more(this will be less than 10% of you).

Other supplies
You will need trays to put the gel in. You will also need remineralizing gel. It will be used after every treatment(you also put it in the tray after washing it). You may consider getting cotton makeup pads, and placing one under your tongue when you use the trays to soak up saliva.

The session
Your session time is important to your success. If you don't use the gel for at least 20 minutes, your results will be poor. But if you use it more than an hour, you're basically spinning your wheels. It's a waste of time and is not more effective than an hour.
The optimal time is one hour of whitening

After Whitening
After every single whitening session, I'd suggest using remineralizing gel. The process of bleaching is harsh on your teeth and they can become dry if not treated. It also reduces pain felt in the coming days after a treatment.

Length of whitening cycle
You should whiten your teeth every single day, with no rest days for 14 days total. There have been studies on this, and it is the most effective way. Doing EoD or longer than 14 days is not optimal.
Daily treatment for 14 days offers 90% of the total results of a cycle vs 42 days

Months rest before next cycle
Your teeth need months to recover. You must wait at least 6 months between treatments. Failure to wait can result in enamel damage, and even lessen the effectiveness of the whitening treatment.

2) Oil Pulling (use coconut oil)


Coconut oil. That’s literally it

First, you’re gonna want to take about a fingertip full of coconut oil. Any oil can be used, but coconut oil is the only one that doesn’t taste absolutely repulsive.

Secondly, put the oil in your mouth and swish it around for 30 minutes to an hour. It’s going to taste like shit at first but eventually it’ll melt and lose its flavour. Stick with this because the longer you do it the better the results

Finally, once you’ve done it for a good amount of time, spit it out in the garbage or outside cause it will clog your sink.

You should notice significantly whiter teeth, and after doing it once every few days you should have results basically equal to teeth whitening.

3) Laser teeth whitening

Cost anywhere from $100 and up

4) Crest 3d strips

Can be found at your local pharmacy or retail store.
View attachment 2815

5) Bonus(activated charcoal)

PS: yes I know I did pilfer many ideas and tips from lookism and looksmax in combination with YouTube and other websites.

@Alban @Ada Mustang @admin @Pendejo @john what do you guys think
one other thing. if you have good oral hygiene but still struggle with booty breath, a good way of getting rid of it is oil pulling. It pretty much consists in taking a spoonful of vegetal oil in your mouth (olive oil, coconut oil, ecc..) and running It vigorously through your mouth for at least 15 minutes a day, and once you're done spit It out and wash your mouth thoroughly. It pretty much attracts the stink-causing bacteria in your mouth (since they like vegetal oil) so that you can get rid of It. another good effect It has is that It will result in less stress for your immune system, since your body drags most of the bad toxins onto the peripheral parts of your body (aka your mouth), so by oil pulling you're also gonna get rid of that bad stuff resulting in less stress for the immune system.
one other thing. if you have good oral hygiene but still struggle with booty breath, a good way of getting rid of it is oil pulling. It pretty much consists in taking a spoonful of vegetal oil in your mouth (olive oil, coconut oil, ecc..) and running It vigorously through your mouth for at least 15 minutes a day, and once you're done spit It out and wash your mouth thoroughly. It pretty much attracts the stink-causing bacteria in your mouth (since they like vegetal oil) so that you can get rid of It. another good effect It has is that It will result in less stress for your immune system, since your body drags most of the bad toxins onto the peripheral parts of your body (aka your mouth), so by oil pulling you're also gonna get rid of that bad stuff resulting in less stress for the immune system.
Lolll 😂 😂 dude I mentioned oil pulling.... it's my 2nd point!!!
Lolll 😂 😂 dude I mentioned oil pulling.... it's my 2nd point!!!
btw oil pulling doesn't have much to do with teeth whitening. it's literally just to get bacteria out of your mouth
btw oil pulling doesn't have much to do with teeth whitening. it's literally just to get bacteria out of your mouth
True but it helps maintain and give path to getting whiter...some even claim that teeth actually got whiter idk tbh
Gonna try it myself and teeth are pretty white already ngl
True but it helps maintain and give path to getting whiter...some even claim that teeth actually got whiter idk tbh
Gonna try it myself and teeth are pretty white already ngl
tbh i did oil pulling for 1 month a while ago. It did work. my mouth literally had no odor EVER, not even right after waking up. i dropped the habit though because it's Just too much of an hassle for me. i definitely recommend It though if you have the patience and consistency
i fucking hate dentists man, I went like to them like 10 times for problems with my teeth and each time it felt like they would stick an incredibly sharp needle into my gums and they wouldn't even give me nitrous

i'd rather get rotten teeth than visit those incompetent jews again
i fucking hate dentists man, I went like to them like 10 times for problems with my teeth and each time it felt like they would stick an incredibly sharp needle into my gums and they wouldn't even give me nitrous

i'd rather get rotten teeth than visit those incompetent jews again
oh so this tooth needs to be removed ? let's remove It, ALONG WITH THE OTHER 2 TEETH SURROUNDING IT BECAUSE WHY NOT
oh so this tooth needs to be removed ? let's remove It, ALONG WITH THE OTHER 2 TEETH SURROUNDING IT BECAUSE WHY NOT
just remove all of them and buy our 1000 dollar/tooth implants goyim
i fucking hate dentists man, I went like to them like 10 times for problems with my teeth and each time it felt like they would stick an incredibly sharp needle into my gums and they wouldn't even give me nitrous

i'd rather get rotten teeth than visit those incompetent jews again
Lol idk how it is in Romania but here in America isn't that bad at all
1) Brush teeth morning/evening(floss once a day) *electric toothbrush preferred
2) Avoid staining foods such as soda, coffee, soy sauce, tea, etc.
3) Visit dentist for annual cleaning

Whitening Methods
1) Whitening gel of either Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide

Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide Peroxide is the most popular of the whitening systems. It is also the weaker of the two at a given % strength. It is the safer and less painful of the two. But it is similarly less effective at whitening. In general, I would suggest you start with Carbamide Peroxide, first. I would hold off on Hydrogen Peroxide unless you find that you don't respond to Carbamide Peroxide.

Carbamide Peroxide comes in strengths ranging from 5%-44%. I would strongly suggest starting in the 20% range. Nearly all people can tolerate that strength without too much pain. I would only buy the 10% if you try the 20% and find your teeth are just too sensitive. The 35% and 44% versions are quite strong. I would not suggest starting with these. You may want to consider them after your first treatment, if you didn't get your teeth as white as you wanted.

I have personally used and can vouch for
20% Opalesence $24
35% Rapid Effects $8 (I know, its under $10 price made me skeptical too, but it's legit and works).

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is by far the most powerful of the two. This stuff is so strong that if you leave it open next to 2Chainz bed, he'll look like Macklemore by the morning.

It is 3x as powerful % to % as Carbamide Peroxide. This stuff is effective. Almost anyone can get teeth in the range of A3-A4 when using this at high strengths. However, it comes with downsides that you should consider. The most important is the potential to damage enamel. It's not uncommon for someone using high strength Hydrogen Peroxide to do permanent damage to their enamel. This stuff is strong, so be careful with it!

Hydrogen Peroxide at 12% is similar to Carbamide Peroxide at 35%. Unfortunately, I have never seen legit Hydrogen Peroxide sold above 12% strength. Does that mean that you should never use it? I would only suggest it if you've tried at least 35% Carbamide Peroxide and still want better results. While it's strength equivalent, it isn't the same. It works a lot faster, and it is also stronger when paired with an LED light. I'd consider it a last resort, but I would suggest trying it, if you've used 44% Carbamide Peroxide and still need something more(this will be less than 10% of you).

Other supplies
You will need trays to put the gel in. You will also need remineralizing gel. It will be used after every treatment(you also put it in the tray after washing it). You may consider getting cotton makeup pads, and placing one under your tongue when you use the trays to soak up saliva.

The session
Your session time is important to your success. If you don't use the gel for at least 20 minutes, your results will be poor. But if you use it more than an hour, you're basically spinning your wheels. It's a waste of time and is not more effective than an hour.
The optimal time is one hour of whitening

After Whitening
After every single whitening session, I'd suggest using remineralizing gel. The process of bleaching is harsh on your teeth and they can become dry if not treated. It also reduces pain felt in the coming days after a treatment.

Length of whitening cycle
You should whiten your teeth every single day, with no rest days for 14 days total. There have been studies on this, and it is the most effective way. Doing EoD or longer than 14 days is not optimal.
Daily treatment for 14 days offers 90% of the total results of a cycle vs 42 days

Months rest before next cycle
Your teeth need months to recover. You must wait at least 6 months between treatments. Failure to wait can result in enamel damage, and even lessen the effectiveness of the whitening treatment.

2) Oil Pulling (use coconut oil)


Coconut oil. That’s literally it

First, you’re gonna want to take about a fingertip full of coconut oil. Any oil can be used, but coconut oil is the only one that doesn’t taste absolutely repulsive.

Secondly, put the oil in your mouth and swish it around for 30 minutes to an hour. It’s going to taste like shit at first but eventually it’ll melt and lose its flavour. Stick with this because the longer you do it the better the results

Finally, once you’ve done it for a good amount of time, spit it out in the garbage or outside cause it will clog your sink.

You should notice significantly whiter teeth, and after doing it once every few days you should have results basically equal to teeth whitening.

3) Laser teeth whitening

Cost anywhere from $100 and up

4) Crest 3d strips

Can be found at your local pharmacy or retail store.
View attachment 2815

5) Bonus(activated charcoal)

PS: yes I know I did pilfer many ideas and tips from lookism and looksmax in combination with YouTube and other websites.

@Alban @Ada Mustang @admin @Pendejo @john what do you guys think
oil pulling seems meh about the whitening part but definitely going to try it for the bad breath...also how much does it cost to get the teeth whitened at the dentist?
one other thing. if you have good oral hygiene but still struggle with booty breath, a good way of getting rid of it is oil pulling. It pretty much consists in taking a spoonful of vegetal oil in your mouth (olive oil, coconut oil, ecc..) and running It vigorously through your mouth for at least 15 minutes a day, and once you're done spit It out and wash your mouth thoroughly. It pretty much attracts the stink-causing bacteria in your mouth (since they like vegetal oil) so that you can get rid of It. another good effect It has is that It will result in less stress for your immune system, since your body drags most of the bad toxins onto the peripheral parts of your body (aka your mouth), so by oil pulling you're also gonna get rid of that bad stuff resulting in less stress for the immune system.
after spitting the oil out did you brush your teeth?
oil pulling seems meh about the whitening part but definitely going to try it for the bad breath...also how much does it cost to get the teeth whitened at the dentist?
Well it depends which country your in
Secondly for me it's free because it's part of the dental plan hence the annual visit. They take a part as part of the insurance or something along the lines of that.
Get to one ASAP!
How are your teeth btw?
My teeth arrangement are very good, like no flaws and very symmetric. Lucky cuz my bro and mum have crowding of the bottom set. I have a fair amount of plaque tho.
after spitting the oil out did you brush your teeth?
it's not necessary.however, you gotta wash your mouth really well because you have to consider that once you're finished, the oil is basically full of bacteria, so you gotta remove all of It from your mouth. so yeah, if you wanna wash your teeth after doing It i guess it's a good idea.
My teeth arrangement are very good, like no flaws and very symmetric. Lucky cuz my bro and mum have crowding of the bottom set. I have a fair amount of plaque tho.
Wow you should really get rid of the plaque. One way I remove some stains or plaque on the teeth is by applying a layer of baking soda on teeth. Then scraping the plaque area with a blunt knife, nail file, or metallic object.... really works for me plus it's free.

Btw which country do you live in?
Wow you should really get rid of the plaque. One way I remove some stains or plaque on the teeth is by applying a layer of baking soda on teeth. Then scraping the plaque area with a blunt knife, nail file, or metallic object.... really works for me plus it's free.

Btw which country do you live in?
Might give that a shot, I’ve booked a dentist appointment in a weeks time. Rn still in India for my holiday, but I live in the UK, my parents never thought to take me to the dentists.
Oh alright! Well I think you'll like it
Some easy tips Every time we eat a banana we can rub the inside of the skin the white surface against our teeth it provide potassium to them another advice is to alternate a throat of coffee with a throat of water that we gargle before drinking it to avoid coffe stain we can Also rub teeth with strewberry and sugar in a paste form the last one is To use miswak Google it if you dont know it it a very healty and natural way of cleaning teeth very good for them its effectiveness is recognized by the World Health Organization use it after eating a meal or somthing
Some easy tips Every time we eat a banana we can rub the inside of the skin the white surface against our teeth it provide potassium to them another advice is to alternate a throat of coffee with a throat of water that we gargle before drinking it to avoid coffe stain we can Also rub teeth with strewberry and sugar in a paste form the last one is To use miswak Google it if you dont know it it a very healty and natural way of cleaning teeth very good for them
also avoid cola and candy drink a lot of water use a toothpick coconut oil and aleo verra gel for teeth rubing chew sugar free gum after a meal
Teeth whitening is one of the common procedures nowadays because everybody wants to have beautiful and white looking teeth. I am just so impressed that dentist Manhattan Beach has helped me just wonderfully with this procedure. He did great job and that too on very affordable pricing.
Teeth whitening is one of the common procedures nowadays because everybody wants to have beautiful and white looking teeth. I am just so impressed that dentist Manhattan Beach has helped me just wonderfully with this procedure. He did great job and that too on very affordable pricing.
seems legit.
1) Brush teeth morning/evening(floss once a day) *electric toothbrush preferred
2) Avoid staining foods such as soda, coffee, soy sauce, tea, etc.
3) Visit dentist for annual cleaning

Whitening Methods
1) Whitening gel of either Carbamide Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide

Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide Peroxide is the most popular of the whitening systems. It is also the weaker of the two at a given % strength. It is the safer and less painful of the two. But it is similarly less effective at whitening. In general, I would suggest you start with Carbamide Peroxide, first. I would hold off on Hydrogen Peroxide unless you find that you don't respond to Carbamide Peroxide.

Carbamide Peroxide comes in strengths ranging from 5%-44%. I would strongly suggest starting in the 20% range. Nearly all people can tolerate that strength without too much pain. I would only buy the 10% if you try the 20% and find your teeth are just too sensitive. The 35% and 44% versions are quite strong. I would not suggest starting with these. You may want to consider them after your first treatment, if you didn't get your teeth as white as you wanted.

I have personally used and can vouch for
20% Opalesence $24
35% Rapid Effects $8 (I know, its under $10 price made me skeptical too, but it's legit and works).

Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen Peroxide is by far the most powerful of the two. This stuff is so strong that if you leave it open next to 2Chainz bed, he'll look like Macklemore by the morning.

It is 3x as powerful % to % as Carbamide Peroxide. This stuff is effective. Almost anyone can get teeth in the range of A3-A4 when using this at high strengths. However, it comes with downsides that you should consider. The most important is the potential to damage enamel. It's not uncommon for someone using high strength Hydrogen Peroxide to do permanent damage to their enamel. This stuff is strong, so be careful with it!

Hydrogen Peroxide at 12% is similar to Carbamide Peroxide at 35%. Unfortunately, I have never seen legit Hydrogen Peroxide sold above 12% strength. Does that mean that you should never use it? I would only suggest it if you've tried at least 35% Carbamide Peroxide and still want better results. While it's strength equivalent, it isn't the same. It works a lot faster, and it is also stronger when paired with an LED light. I'd consider it a last resort, but I would suggest trying it, if you've used 44% Carbamide Peroxide and still need something more(this will be less than 10% of you).

Other supplies
You will need trays to put the gel in. You will also need remineralizing gel. It will be used after every treatment(you also put it in the tray after washing it). You may consider getting cotton makeup pads, and placing one under your tongue when you use the trays to soak up saliva.

The session
Your session time is important to your success. If you don't use the gel for at least 20 minutes, your results will be poor. But if you use it more than an hour, you're basically spinning your wheels. It's a waste of time and is not more effective than an hour.
The optimal time is one hour of whitening

After Whitening
After every single whitening session, I'd suggest using remineralizing gel. The process of bleaching is harsh on your teeth and they can become dry if not treated. It also reduces pain felt in the coming days after a treatment.

Length of whitening cycle
You should whiten your teeth every single day, with no rest days for 14 days total. There have been studies on this, and it is the most effective way. Doing EoD or longer than 14 days is not optimal.
Daily treatment for 14 days offers 90% of the total results of a cycle vs 42 days

Months rest before next cycle
Your teeth need months to recover. You must wait at least 6 months between treatments. Failure to wait can result in enamel damage, and even lessen the effectiveness of the whitening treatment.

2) Oil Pulling (use coconut oil)


Coconut oil. That’s literally it

First, you’re gonna want to take about a fingertip full of coconut oil. Any oil can be used, but coconut oil is the only one that doesn’t taste absolutely repulsive.

Secondly, put the oil in your mouth and swish it around for 30 minutes to an hour. It’s going to taste like shit at first but eventually it’ll melt and lose its flavour. Stick with this because the longer you do it the better the results

Finally, once you’ve done it for a good amount of time, spit it out in the garbage or outside cause it will clog your sink.

You should notice significantly whiter teeth, and after doing it once every few days you should have results basically equal to teeth whitening.

3) Laser teeth whitening

Cost anywhere from $100 and up

4) Crest 3d strips

Can be found at your local pharmacy or retail store.
View attachment 2815

5) Bonus(activated charcoal)

PS: yes I know I did pilfer many ideas and tips from lookism and looksmax in combination with YouTube and other websites.

@Alban @Ada Mustang @admin @Pendejo @john what do you guys think
@Rkelly Take down activated charcoal it's not FDA approved because it grinds down the enamel on your teeth.
Well I cannot edit my thread...