Biggest difference living in China and living in USA?
Life is more free and easy in China. USA has so many stupid rules and regulations. To put things into perspective I've smoked a cigarette in a hospital while getting my hand stitched up, and my wife can legally breastfeed our son at the same time as she's driving down the highway. Nobody uses car seats.
I can openly drink alcohol anywhere I want in public, or in taxis etc, at any time of day or night. I can even ask my 3 year old to run into a store for me and buy alcohol.
If I need to fight someone I can do so without having to worry about having a criminal record in the event I beat their ass (police just mediate a small amount of money to be given to the losing party on the spot). People talk less shit and are more careful with their insults as a result.
Apartments are easy to rent. Just gotta show ID and pay first months' rent + deposit (no need for income/ employment verification, references, credit/criminal background checks or any other horse shit). If you stop paying rent you get your ass thrown out immediately. No bullshit.
Medical is cheap and you don't need insurance. Can just pay for everything out of pocket.
I could go on and on but I'd have to stay up all night.
One big cultural difference is while people in China can be nosey they mind their f*cking business at the same time. They don't get involved with other people's business. About three years ago here in Michigan I got into a fight in a supermarket parking lot. I got the better of the other guy and was tackled off him by a random f*cking stranger, which resulted in one of my ribs being broke. In the scuffle right before that there quite a few f****t Americans beeping their horns and screaming at us to stop. Like I'm gonna stop beating this f*cker because you're beeping your horn. Anyways, the point is, in China people would have gathered around to watch but not gotten involved. Just a little fight. Free entertainment for them and the kids. Americans make everything such a b*g fucking deal because they're so bored with their lives.
Last point I've gotta make is children. I've noticed, being a parent myself, that people in America are so damn retarded when it comes to children. They're so big on not letting their kids touch other kids. Forcing them to be calm in public and not get too excited. Poor f*cking American kids are so inhibited, no wonder so many of them lash out as teenagers. In China kids are expecting to act like monkeys, because that's what kids are supposed to act like. They can fight, scream, and play loudly wherever they're at. People aren't concerned with trying to show people what a "good" parent they are in China. And you can beat their asses in public and nobody will bat an eye.
Chinese kids have way less anxiety than American kids. Psycho therapy doesn't exist, and neither does ADHD or food allergies. I taught thousands of kids during the decade I lived there and I feel very sorry for American kids and what their society is doing to them.