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Testing a 4 month dickmaxxing protocol

Yeah @JackHanma any updates?
Your plan was on point, great protocol.
would love to hear about any results.
sucks that so many people never follow through with results..
really does make ya wonder if it works and they just ghosted or something bad happened
Have u hears from this guy? Wth
Update for any interested parties, I will be adding mtren and/or trestolone to the DMSO solution in addition to the DHT.

also I found and interesting article that suggests techniques for transdermal application of HGH/IGF-1

this is very interesting to me because if you can get IGF-1 to absorb transdermal you could mix it with all the other compounds I’ve mentioned in a single batch with a nice bow on it for a neatly packaged holy grail of dick maxxing cream. Wonder how much I could sell it for.
Igf is too big. Needs to be < 500 Daltons to be transdermally absorbed.