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Info The 2% Rule: “Don't Be a Chimpanzee” Theory

this proves that some god created humans , at least genetically modified them to his image , this new race originated in the middle east ( near the euphrates ig ) and spread over to anatolia , the steppe , the holy lands and north africa , this is also the same race that experienced the flood and other godly horrors
negroids and mongoloids dont look similar because they didn't evolve from this genetically modified race
this proves that some god created humans , at least genetically modified them to his image , this new race originated in the middle east ( near the euphrates ig ) and spread over to anatolia , the steppe , the holy lands and north africa , this is also the same race that experienced the flood and other godly horrors
negroids and mongoloids dont look similar because they didn't evolve from this genetically modified race
agree. feel like i have some chimp features makin me incel. saw the planet of the apes feelin like im cesar and high iq destined to rule the planet of the apes

still better to have chimp features than recessed incel features though, better to have a chimp jaw than recessed incel jaw imo
this proves that some god created humans , at least genetically modified them to his image , this new race originated in the middle east ( near the euphrates ig ) and spread over to anatolia , the steppe , the holy lands and north africa , this is also the same race that experienced the flood and other godly horrors
negroids and mongoloids dont look similar because they didn't evolve from this genetically modified race
some negroids and east asians look the same. so i interpret what you are saying is negroids and east asians don't look similar to nordics, because the vague wording you used could be interpreted as negroids and east asians dont look similar to each other, when some of them do.

also, some negroids do look the same as nordics, but i have not found any east asians that look like nordics.
some negroids and east asians look the same. so i interpret what you are saying is negroids and east asians don't look similar to nordics, because the vague wording you used could be interpreted as negroids and east asians dont look similar to each other, when some of them do.

also, some negroids do look the same as nordics, but i have not found any east asians that look like nordics.
not only nordics , nords are a weaker genetic mutation of the indo aryans , the genetically modified group i am talking about are the aryans , the semetic ppl and the hametic ppl , all of them descended of noah
Brutal asf
Seems legit from examples you provided though
this proves that some god created humans , at least genetically modified them to his image , this new race originated in the middle east ( near the euphrates ig ) and spread over to anatolia , the steppe , the holy lands and north africa , this is also the same race that experienced the flood and other godly horrors
negroids and mongoloids dont look similar because they didn't evolve from this genetically modified race
Doesnt prove shit:

Chimp like eye area = exclusively mena/euro
Prominent brow ridge = exclusively mena/euro
Body hair = exclusively mena/euro
no , semites dont tend to have big browridges its a Caucasoid trait , they tend to have low good supras tho

it exists in every race

only c****s dont have it
Will almost never appear in non euro/mena/indo euro ethnicity
Example of the low pfl beady eye
Common on semites

Prominent brow ridge on arab
(tbh idk i looked at euro people and arab men and didnt notice much of a difference in frequency of brow ridges


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