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Method The Chocolate Fast - Possibly the most important post in the history of humanity.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
I post this not just for myself, but all of humanity and all animals on earth. This post may fix every problem on earth, such as obesity, global warming, poverty, overpopulation, etc.

I realized there is a new way to fast called "Chocolate fasting". Today I decided I would fast. I did not feel hungry and asked myself "what is hunger?" I realized hunger is often caused by stress and if you fast too long you get a headache. I realized the key to fasting is Chocolate, Chocolate is the healthiest food on earth. The key to fasting is eating small pieces of low-sugar chocolate. The chocolate must be low-sugar, not zero-sugar. The capitalists sell chocolate that has lots of sugar in order to double, triple, or quadriple their profits. If you eat low-sugar chocolate then you do not feel the need to eat so much food. If the chocolate has too much sugar then you will keep eating more and more. If the chocolate has zero-sugar you will get headaches and need to eat some sugar.

The chocolate I had to eat was so miniscule, probably less than 2 cubic centimeters and under 0.4 grams of sugar. There is no point in "hardcore fasting" where you eat 0 sugar and 0 of anything. Always drink water when fasting. I will explain the biggest problem of fasting in the next paragraph.

The biggest problem of fasting is stress. We live in a city-grid-complex surrounded by subhuman manimals. This is against the ways of nature. Some of the subhuman manimals make loud noises such as loud motor noises and loud music from a boomer boombox. The car's usually aren't too bad, under 80 dB usually. You have to watch out for the boombox people and the ones with loud motors that lack mufflers, especially the ones that use cheap hand equipment such as leafblowers or chainsaws.

In a healthy situation, humans should be organized spaced 100 meters apart from each other, but in a city-grid-complex-status-quo, humans are bred as slaves to live as subhuman rats.

Basically, what happened is this. Some subhuman manimal used a piece of cheap equipment that made a loud motor noise, this collapsed the wave-function of my trance, I got stressed, I got a headache, and this cancelled my fast, and I started to feel a rage. I realized we live in a dystopia. Hear this as this is the most important thing... I do not expect things to change soon, but make strides to make our world better, so that years from now we may be free from this hell.

You may ask why I don't close the windows, in order to block out the sound? But it is important to keep the windows open, to keep the fresh air flowing. In order to maximize the fast, fresh air should be flowing, in order to create the good vibes. If you are fasting correctly you will get high from the fasting and have good vibes, entering a trance-like state. Stress is enemy of fasting and will collapse the wave-function, you will get a headache and then your personality will become normie instead of god-mode. Once your personality becomes normie, you will feel like a normie-rat that craves food.

Basically, you want the personality of a god or animal when fasting. This is why many ancient gods were represented as animals, you want to have the energy of a lazy animal, perhaps a lazy mammalian marsupial or lounge lizard. But you also want to work hard, basically work hard but at a medium or slow pace, because the more you exercise the less you will feel the need to eat.

Then you want to control your cravings, alot of the cravings are connected. For instance if you crave to socialize or talk to people, do not socialize, do not talk to anybody. Do not go on the internet. Play videogames that are offline instead of online games. You will notice that you can fast easier and are less stressed.

Then there are 2 modes of being.

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Any mod reading this, please move this to the Must-reads.
Chocolate is the healthiest food on earth
stopped reading here

this is healthy
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  • #3
stopped reading here

this is healthy
cope. Ice-cream-men make me listen to death metal. I eat meat like a barbarian when im angry. Because the ice-cream men downgraded my divinity to a lower level because they interrupted my divinity.

chocolate is the healthiest food on earth
everyone makes carbon emissions. but normies are not the main contributors to carbon emissions, its the rich people with jets and companies and their factories. 2ndly, partially agree with the school thing. schools nowadays are ass. i think that people should use resources such as libraries and online (obv sourced and reliable) info to learn. and school for when you are little to learn basic stuff like arithmetic, reading and writing, and socialization. napping is W. diplomas dont matter. avoiding conversation is bad. we need to talk and discuss things to make progress. imagine if einstein never published his papers on relativity, or other scientists withholding info. socialization is important, we as humans rely on it, it was one of the major things that allowed us to succeed as humans and progress compared to other homos. work at any pace. working fast sometimes motivates me to grind harder, while working slow is better if i am being meticulate. sunlight is good.

also while sugarless dark chocolate can be healthy, people overexaggerate it. it is not a cure and you still need other things in your diet. fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, nuts
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  • #5
everyone makes carbon emissions.
if u plant trees u can be 0 or less than zero emissions

but normies are not the main contributors to carbon emissions,
yes they are

its the rich people with jets and companies and their factories.
no its still normies

avoiding conversation is bad. we need to talk and discuss things to make progress. imagine if einstein never published his papers on relativity, or other scientists withholding info.
einstein rejected aether

socialization is important, we as humans rely on it, it was one of the major things that allowed us to succeed as humans and progress compared to other homos.
most of the progress seems to be headed towards death by global warming, war machines or robots

also while sugarless dark chocolate can be healthy, people overexaggerate it. it is not a cure and you still need other things in your diet. fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, nuts
this is meant to be a fasting guide. u are not supposed to fast every day of the week, u need other foods when u are not fasting
if u plant trees u can be 0 or less than zero emissions
tbh plant trees to restore habitat as well. phytoplankton mogs which is why we need better water and oceans
no its still normies
60-80% of the world's emissions are produced by the top-half of the world population (high- and upper-middle income countries)
einstein rejected aether
not referring specifically to einstein, in general, communication is extremely important
most of the progress seems to be headed towards death by global warming, war machines or robots
because the elites are puppeteering politicians and other rich people, and trick the general populace
this is meant to be a fasting guide. u are not supposed to fast every day of the week, u need other foods when u are not fasting
i see 👍
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  • #7
tbh plant trees to restore habitat as well. phytoplankton mogs which is why we need better water and oceans
coral reefs should be protected, infractions upon them should be met by penalty of death

60-80% of the world's emissions are produced by the top-half of the world population (high- and upper-middle income countries)
those are what we call normies

because the elites are puppeteering politicians and other rich people, and trick the general populace
yes but its dumb normies that keep falling for it everytime

I am mixed between the two types of people u mentioned
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  • #13
neither of the archetypes i provided were supposed to analog a sith or jedi archetype.

also, palpatine ignored sith archetypes and you could consider general grevious as an example of that, vader also ignored that by training starkiller.

anyway, the point is, i was in an optimal state for fasting and the ice cream man took that away from me, going into a sith rage was a downgraded state from where i was.
Blud had to plug the crypto wallet

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