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the hair saga continues🙏 also softmaxxing progress sorta


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
I took your guy’s advice and got rid of my fried ass bangs, and tried to go with something a little bit more natural looking👍🏾 i also have been attempting debloat (poorly) and i think theres a slight difference (prob not) I also have been icing+rolling my face regularly and prioritizing skin care. plus new lip combo⁉️🔥


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I took your guy’s advice and got rid of my fried ass bangs, and tried to go with something a little bit more natural looking👍🏾 i also have been attempting debloat (poorly) and i think theres a slight difference (prob not) I also have been icing+rolling my face regularly and prioritizing skin care. plus new lip combo⁉️🔥
man.gifPosting this in replace of my uncontrollable ramblings. I will not speak further.
I took your guy’s advice and got rid of my fried ass bangs, and tried to go with something a little bit more natural looking👍🏾 i also have been attempting debloat (poorly) and i think theres a slight difference (prob not) I also have been icing+rolling my face regularly and prioritizing skin care. plus new lip combo⁉️🔥
Casca maxing kinda mogs tbh
thank you!!! and no i fraud them with eyebrow pomade and an inkless pen
If you don't wear any base makeup get damp brush dip it on brown eyeshadow and go crazy with the freckles it gives a legit result..either that or just a small thin brush and just draw them on make sure you pat it with your finger lightly to pick up some pigment otherwise it looks harsh
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  • #32
If you don't wear any base makeup get damp brush dip it on brown eyeshadow and go crazy with the freckles it gives a legit result..either that or just a small thin brush and just draw them on make sure you pat it with your finger lightly to pick up some pigment otherwise it looks harsh
oooo okok thankyou for the tips will try👍🏾👍🏾
I took your guy’s advice and got rid of my fried ass bangs, and tried to go with something a little bit more natural looking👍🏾 i also have been attempting debloat (poorly) and i think theres a slight difference (prob not) I also have been icing+rolling my face regularly and prioritizing skin care. plus new lip combo⁉️🔥
Everyday I wake up I smile because I remember the hair saga exists yippee 😆
I took your guy’s advice and got rid of my fried ass bangs, and tried to go with something a little bit more natural looking👍🏾 i also have been attempting debloat (poorly) and i think theres a slight difference (prob not) I also have been icing+rolling my face regularly and prioritizing skin care. plus new lip combo⁉️🔥
Go completely bald and shave your eyebrows and look deranged as possible and you’ll turn into a stacylite

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