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Guide the NATION with the BEST metabolism in the WORLD


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires

Many people do not know it but Dutch people have the best metabolism in the world largely due to how effectively they keep PTH (parathyroid hormone) in check.

how do they do it?

PTH (Parathyroid hormone) is a hormone with many negative effects, it:
  • Raises blood Calcium levels
  • Increases Estrogen, Serotonin and Prolactin
  • Slows down bone growth and even weakens bones (as the Calcium is drawn out of them and settles into the soft tissues)

Many don’t know but PTH is one of the main stress hormones and actually a BIG aging-agonist:
  • Hairloss (manifested in the form of scalp calcification)
  • Loss of antioxidants and sleep (calcification of Pineal gland)
  • Slowed metabolism (decreased Mitochondrial uncoupling)


PTH responds very strongly to the calcium/phosphate ratio in the body.


Does phosphate outnumber calcium in the body? then u got a problem with your PTH.

the way that u treat this problem is extremely simple, u start consuming foods with a positive calcium:phosphate ratio, what consumption does have an amazing ratio of calcium:phosphate?


U’ll see how Dutch people consume milk (or another dairy product) with every meal.

Pint of milk or bowl of yoghurt in the morning

Pint of milk or buttermilk with lunch

some yogurtdrink as snack

big bowl of ‘vanillevla’ with dinner.

The result?

A nation where 183 centimeters for a male is bare minimum, where a sixpack doesn’t mean anything special and hot blondes everywhere.


Many people do not know it but Dutch people have the best metabolism in the world largely due to how effectively they keep PTH (parathyroid hormone) in check.

how do they do it?

PTH (Parathyroid hormone) is a hormone with many negative effects, it:
  • Raises blood Calcium levels
  • Increases Estrogen, Serotonin and Prolactin
  • Slows down bone growth and even weakens bones (as the Calcium is drawn out of them and settles into the soft tissues)

Many don’t know but PTH is one of the main stress hormones and actually a BIG aging-agonist:
  • Hairloss (manifested in the form of scalp calcification)
  • Loss of antioxidants and sleep (calcification of Pineal gland)
  • Slowed metabolism (decreased Mitochondrial uncoupling)


PTH responds very strongly to the calcium/phosphate ratio in the body.


Does phosphate outnumber calcium in the body? then u got a problem with your PTH.

the way that u treat this problem is extremely simple, u start consuming foods with a positive calcium:phosphate ratio, what consumption does have an amazing ratio of calcium:phosphate?


U’ll see how Dutch people consume milk (or another dairy product) with every meal.

Pint of milk or bowl of yoghurt in the morning

Pint of milk or buttermilk with lunch

some yogurtdrink as snack

big bowl of ‘vanillevla’ with dinner.

The result?

A nation where 183 centimeters for a male is bare minimum, where a sixpack doesn’t mean anything special and hot blondes everywhere.

Height increase is also due to their women choosing taller men
I don’t disagree with your thread and think the Dutch diet + milk mogs but that’s not the entire story
The Dutch were giga heightpilled
I don’t disagree with your thread and think the Dutch diet + milk mogs but that’s not the entire story
most of it+ belgium and dutch eat the most meat (explains a lot) out of anyone in scale of their total food consumption
Obviously sexual selection has to do also because the women there are also VERY tall (think that they have been on high dairy/calcium diets for generations).
Still the uptick of that high is probably more due to selection

Many people do not know it but Dutch people have the best metabolism in the world largely due to how effectively they keep PTH (parathyroid hormone) in check.

how do they do it?

PTH (Parathyroid hormone) is a hormone with many negative effects, it:
  • Raises blood Calcium levels
  • Increases Estrogen, Serotonin and Prolactin
  • Slows down bone growth and even weakens bones (as the Calcium is drawn out of them and settles into the soft tissues)

Many don’t know but PTH is one of the main stress hormones and actually a BIG aging-agonist:
  • Hairloss (manifested in the form of scalp calcification)
  • Loss of antioxidants and sleep (calcification of Pineal gland)
  • Slowed metabolism (decreased Mitochondrial uncoupling)


PTH responds very strongly to the calcium/phosphate ratio in the body.


Does phosphate outnumber calcium in the body? then u got a problem with your PTH.

the way that u treat this problem is extremely simple, u start consuming foods with a positive calcium:phosphate ratio, what consumption does have an amazing ratio of calcium:phosphate?


U’ll see how Dutch people consume milk (or another dairy product) with every meal.

Pint of milk or bowl of yoghurt in the morning

Pint of milk or buttermilk with lunch

some yogurtdrink as snack

big bowl of ‘vanillevla’ with dinner.

The result?

A nation where 183 centimeters for a male is bare minimum, where a sixpack doesn’t mean anything special and hot blondes everywhere.

As a Dutch myself this is actually 100% true to the slightest detail.
doesnt fast metabolism increase aging? or no

seems like metabolism = the rate of time of the body.

also estrogen is anti-aging and builds bone

if the PTH stuff deteriorates bone, then the amount of estrogen it produces is too low compared to whatever mechanism PTH uses to deteriorate bone.
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  • #14
doesnt fast metabolism increase aging? or no

seems like metabolism = the rate of time of the body.
That is one of the theories but according to bioenergetics, a higher metabolic rate does not equal faster deterioration but the opposite. You can read more here.


Many people do not know it but Dutch people have the best metabolism in the world largely due to how effectively they keep PTH (parathyroid hormone) in check.

how do they do it?

PTH (Parathyroid hormone) is a hormone with many negative effects, it:
  • Raises blood Calcium levels
  • Increases Estrogen, Serotonin and Prolactin
  • Slows down bone growth and even weakens bones (as the Calcium is drawn out of them and settles into the soft tissues)

Many don’t know but PTH is one of the main stress hormones and actually a BIG aging-agonist:
  • Hairloss (manifested in the form of scalp calcification)
  • Loss of antioxidants and sleep (calcification of Pineal gland)
  • Slowed metabolism (decreased Mitochondrial uncoupling)


PTH responds very strongly to the calcium/phosphate ratio in the body.


Does phosphate outnumber calcium in the body? then u got a problem with your PTH.

the way that u treat this problem is extremely simple, u start consuming foods with a positive calcium:phosphate ratio, what consumption does have an amazing ratio of calcium:phosphate?


U’ll see how Dutch people consume milk (or another dairy product) with every meal.

Pint of milk or bowl of yoghurt in the morning

Pint of milk or buttermilk with lunch

some yogurtdrink as snack

big bowl of ‘vanillevla’ with dinner.

The result?

A nation where 183 centimeters for a male is bare minimum, where a sixpack doesn’t mean anything special and hot blondes everywhere.

true but its more than just diet
genetics and racial make up play major part here
That is one of the theories but according to bioenergetics, a higher metabolic rate does not equal faster deterioration but the opposite. You can read more here.

They write:

Once your body metabolizes enough PUFAs, a chain reaction can take place, known as a lipid peroxidation cascade;9 once a molecule of PUFA oxidizes, it can make other molecules nearby oxidize as well—again, and again, and again. Think of it as an “oxidation pandemic” inside your fatty tissues. This chain reaction can make your mitochondria crumble by damaging their cardiolipin, the fatty regions responsible for oxidative phosphorylation, and suppressing your respiratory enzymes, which prevents you from making ATP. It will also “steal” antioxidants that could have been used for other things.

Remember: mitochondria are responsible for powering all processes, all movement, all life inside your body. They are found everywhere. This is not a matter of a damaged organ, but of an organelle that lives inside all organs—a meta-organ, so to speak. Suppressing your body’s ability to make ATP shuts down your metabolism, making you (quite literally) less alive, and preventing your cells from maintaining their structure. The now-unsaturated cells become more fluid, less sturdy, and have even been shown to collapse entirely.
They write that PUFA's shut down your metabolism, this sounds different than having a slowed-down metabolism.

They also write this:
But what actually is energy? and what does it do?

The answer to the first question is
 nobody really knows. Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynmann famously said that “it’s important to realize that in physics today we have no knowledge of what energy is.” Energy is, as far as we know, “stored potential for change”3—like that inside a compressed spring about to bounce off—and it can “only” really do two things: either move stuff about or heat stuff up. That’s it.

In biology, when we speak of “creating” energy we are really talking about promoting cellular respiration, also known as increasing the metabolic rate. Just as we breathe by taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, cells too undergo a breathing process; but rather than just using oxygen, they also take in glucose (simple sugar) and release carbon dioxide, water and adenosine triphosphate, also known as ATP.

ATP is commonly referred to as the “energy currency” of all living organisms. In a nutshell, it is the molecule that captures and releases energy to power all of life on Earth. All things that involve energy—that is, all things that require either movement or heat—use ATP to get it. ATP powers all of your vital functions, your muscles, your thoughts, your creativity, your love life, your intellect, the splitting of your 100 trillion cells, the constant replication of your DNA—everything.4

This quasi-magical molecule is made (mostly) inside minuscule “ATP factories” inside your cells called mitochondria (or mitochondrion, in singular). Mitochondria, as the famous sentence goes, are the “powerhouses of the cell”, the engines located inside all the bits that make up who you are. The job of each mitochondrion is to make ATP using sugars through the process of cellular respiration.
So they say they do not know what energy is. Then they say ATP, cellular respiration, etc.

Breathing deeply and slowly increases health.

Motor analogy: Poop is exhaust, legs are wheels. The more and faster you provide energy to a motor, the more wear and tear in that motor, and the faster it will achieve failure. And if you never use the motor, it rusts and fails also. One would assume this would apply to humans, but maybe not.

Energy is also not always healthy. For example I had low energy and was feeling good, until an annoying ice cream truck disrupted me, this gave me energy but made feel less healthy.
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  • #18
They write:

Motor analogy: Poop is exhaust, legs are wheels. The more and faster you provide energy to a motor, the more wear and tear in that motor, and the faster it will achieve failure. And if you never use the motor, it rusts and fails also. One would assume this would apply to humans, but maybe not.
The engine analogy does not apply to living organisms since we are not artifacts or machines.
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  • #19
The fact of having more energy in your organism will mean that you will have the necessary resources to grow and develop in an optimal way. The proposal of having a high metabolism refers precisely to that, seeking to optimize your metabolism to have more energy and build better tissues and organs and cells and so on.

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