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Info the NATION with the worst metabolism on the PLANET.


a guy doing his thing
Jan 1, 2024
Buenos Aires
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.



-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.

hello. poos are really appalling and genuinely do not have any redeemable qualities. i can not abide them
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.

View attachment 31033


-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.

View attachment 31034
Interesting about the nutrition qualities, it is one of the largest countries in the world however population wise which creates problems of its own
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  • #9
Instead natural selection needs to allow the decent looking indians to reproduce successfully and the rapists are castrated for better gene pool, also change indian diets so that people are healthier
they are vegan by religion jfl
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.

View attachment 31033


-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.

View attachment 31034
Most of us are super lean when young 60-75 percent of kids in my class have hollow cheeks
When i was in rich school they were not lean like the poor school (i had opps so i switched )
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.

View attachment 31033


-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.

View attachment 31034
Mostly southern indians but yeah
Its cause of survival of the fittest

There are so many famines, droughts,floods and things like this that people with fast metabolism died out and slow metabolism helps store fat for times with less food so fat people survived

Do u really think that we were never chads we used to be chads but nature nerfed us

Thats why india was at the top in ancient times but then it got nerfed
Also Dravidians are not shit they also used to be moggers but due oppression from northern people from thousands of years they got nerfed

And today also norths only have lighter skin than them nothing else is better

Super northwest people have height and some more white features and they mog the whole country

Dravidians are the highest iq and they move out the country the most (punjabis move out too but they multiply over there but dravids move out) they are they most earning ethnicity in usa and they are ceos of everything
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.

View attachment 31033


-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.

View attachment 31034
over for curries
literally the least desirable race amongst all their chads there are ltn- mtn in western countries
brutal for them
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.

View attachment 31033


-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.

View attachment 31034
Dude, this calcium thing is overrated. I drank milk everyday in my whole childhood and adolescence and my face is round and boneless and i am a manlet. It wont change your dna.

I ate hard meat and almost never consumed those shity USA processed food.

I also did a lot of sports and surely had higher t then normal for most of my childhood but not in the later adolescence.

Still, i look like this:
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.

View attachment 31033


-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.

View attachment 31034
Dude, you guys are giving too much credit to what you eat. Its not that simple
The men there have a horrible physiognomy.

Creepy, rapists and ugly or just nutritionally deficient.

View attachment 31033


-Lowest calcium consumption : ~300mg/Day, Scandinavian countries consistently get ~2g a day.
-Lowest iodine consumption
-Lowest D3
-Highest fried oil consumption

their parathyroid hormone is through the roof, this influences bone growth and bone development, energy levels,and brain growth negatively.
View attachment InShot_20240628_202135353.mp4
Also they dont get enough protein
Agreed, especially since many indians who follow hinduism aren't allowed to eat cows, leaving their protein sources limited. India is also extremely poor so going to the gym isnt really an option, shows why the short skinny indian kid sterotype is a real thing
Agreed, especially since many indians who follow hinduism aren't allowed to eat cows, leaving their protein sources limited. India is also extremely poor so going to the gym isnt really an option, shows why the short skinny indian kid sterotype is a real thing
There are many other ways you can consume protein instead of eating beef and it's not just hinduism there are many more sikhism, jainism, Buddhism, paganism etc that don't allow it,
Yeah there are still most of people who are poor but not to extreme level anymore
India has successfully eliminated extreme poverty

Yeah they can't afford gym yet work all day
Show me one gym guy who can compete in endurance with a bihari labour

"Short Skinny" come to rajasthan and haryana you won't see anyone who's short most of them are 6ft or above average despite having more carbs intake. my grandfather stands at 6'3 but my grandma was 5'4 and from then the height started declining my father is 5'4 too but I'm 5'9

Mleccha and mughals ruined us
Imagine being looted twice and later get divided while continuosly being forced to convert over centuries
Instead natural selection needs to allow the decent looking indians to reproduce successfully and the rapists are castrated for better gene pool, also change indian diets so that people are healthier
Like me, guys! He's talking about me!

YAY :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Slums still exist in many places bud
Never said they don't but there's no more any family who spend their day without food that's what extreme poverty is slums are just in rural area they also exist on urban but the government has already destroyed 3 of them where i live
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  • #37
Dude, you guys are giving too much credit to what you eat. Its not that simple
What they ate generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation
Dude, you guys are giving too much credit to what you eat. Its not that simple
It makes a huge different when you parents have malnutrition while they conceive you and you have malnutrition your entire life
What they ate generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation after generation
Like this guy said

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