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Guide The ultimate 'Debloating' (Water retention) Guide 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Captain Narcy, Mogger of the seven seas🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
Apr 27, 2024
The Mediterranean
200w (1).gif

Here I will share all the debloating tips that I know.

Jfl at all the people who make threads x10 times longer than this, they are all full of useless and unrelated info.
This is everything you need to know here.

Obviously before we start being low Bf is mandatory, I'd say 15% and below is where you should be, lower for better results.

Garoupiller debloating tips on .org are very retarded, for example he claims that lentils will cause "bloat in the face".... consuming lentils will bloat you in the stomach but won't increase water retention in the face, infact quite the opposite.
Many other low IQ takes are also in the guide, he probably used ChatGPT or copy paste.

The fact that he doesn't know the difference between stomach bloat and water retention is legit CAGEFUEL.
But worry not, captain Narcy is here to give you a more practical and correct Guide 😉

1.Diet and electrolytes
Diet is the most influential aspect in Water retention.

*Avoid carbs: after consuming carbohydrates, your body stores them as energy in the form of glycogen, which is accompanied by a retention of water- one gram of glycogen is capable of binding 3/4 grams of water- glycogen is the main culprit behind sudden bouts of weight loss and gain, because of its ability to bind water.

*Avoid salty foods: Too much sodium, or salt, can cause immediate water retention. This is because the body needs to keep its sodium-to-water ratio balanced to function properly, so will hold on to water if too much salt is consumed.

*Increase potassium consumption: potassium works by counteracting the effects of sodium.
Potassium to sodium ratio should ideally be 4:1.

potassium salt is salt that contains potassium instead of sodium, definitely a great substitute, but remember that sodium is still important to consume, just have it in low doses.

*Processed foods and drinks: They are most likely to contain high amounts of sodium and sugar, the main causes of water retention.

2.Drinking water

Dehydration can make the body hold on to extra water to make up for the lack of incoming water, being hydrated helps the body flush out the excess water and sodium out of the system.

Drink alot of water, but try to do it day long not all together.


Regular exercise helps our circulatory system work properly, guiding fluid to the lymphatic, digestive and urinary tracts to be excreted and reduce retention.

Walking, running, swimming and cycling are ideal.

High intensity exercise can cause temporary water retention because of the Cortisol production.

4.Eliminate stress

Cortisol levels directly correlate to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels. ADH communicates with your kidneys to control the amount of water in your body.

5.lymphatic drainage

Just watch this video it has great info, I personally do it everyday

Furosemide (or Lasix) is a loop diuretic used to treat fluid retention (edema) Is an alternative for basically everything we discussed here.

would I recommend it? NO!

unless you had an important date and wanted to look your best instantly for the rest of the day.

too many side effects including

peeing alot.

feeling thirsty and mouth dryness




uncanny hollow look on face (if taken in high doses)

And then after all that you will have a bloat rebound.

Buccal fat removal
Bichectomy is a plastic surgery designed to narrow out the mid to lower part of the face. Sometimes referred to as “buccal fat removal”

Uncanny results that will age you faster, better to stick to natural methods

this short simple thread is basically all the actual important stuff for debloating.

Greetings to the mods and the Narcy pirates 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

With love
-Capt. Narcy
View attachment 28971

Here I will share all the debloating tips that I know.

Jfl at all the people who make threads x10 times longer than this, they are all full of useless and unrelated info.
This is everything you need to know here.

Obviously before we start being low Bf is mandatory, I'd say 15% and below is where you should be, lower for better results.

Garoupiller debloating tips on .org are very retarded, for example he claims that lentils will cause "bloat in the face".... consuming lentils will bloat you in the stomach but won't increase water retention in the face, infact quite the opposite.
Many other low IQ takes are also in the guide, he probably used ChatGPT or copy paste.

The fact that he doesn't know the difference between stomach bloat and water retention is legit CAGEFUEL.
But worry not, captain Narcy is here to give you a more practical and correct Guide 😉

1.Diet and electrolytes
Diet is the most influential aspect in Water retention.

*Avoid carbs: after consuming carbohydrates, your body stores them as energy in the form of glycogen, which is accompanied by a retention of water- one gram of glycogen is capable of binding 3/4 grams of water- glycogen is the main culprit behind sudden bouts of weight loss and gain, because of its ability to bind water.

*Avoid salty foods: Too much sodium, or salt, can cause immediate water retention. This is because the body needs to keep its sodium-to-water ratio balanced to function properly, so will hold on to water if too much salt is consumed.

*Increase potassium consumption: potassium works by counteracting the effects of sodium.
Potassium to sodium ratio should ideally be 4:1.

potassium salt is salt that contains potassium instead of sodium, definitely a great substitute, but remember that sodium is still important to consume, just have it in low doses.

*Processed foods and drinks: They are most likely to contain high amounts of sodium and sugar, the main causes of water retention.

2.Drinking water
Dehydration can make the body hold on to extra water to make up for the lack of incoming water, being hydrated helps the body flush out the excess water and sodium out of the system.

Drink alot of water, but try to do it day long not all together.

Regular exercise helps our circulatory system work properly, guiding fluid to the lymphatic, digestive and urinary tracts to be excreted and reduce retention.

Walking, running, swimming and cycling are ideal.

High intensity exercise can cause temporary water retention because of the Cortisol production.

4.Eliminate stress
Cortisol levels directly correlate to antidiuretic hormone (ADH) levels. ADH communicates with your kidneys to control the amount of water in your body.

5.lymphatic drainage

Just watch this video it has great info, I personally do it everyday

Furosemide (or Lasix) is a loop diuretic used to treat fluid retention (edema) Is an alternative for basically everything we discussed here.

would I recommend it? NO!

unless you had an important date and wanted to look your best instantly for the rest of the day.

too many side effects including

peeing alot.

feeling thirsty and mouth dryness




uncanny hollow look on face (if taken in high doses)

And then after all that you will have a bloat rebound.

Buccal fat removal
Bichectomy is a plastic surgery designed to narrow out the mid to lower part of the face. Sometimes referred to as “buccal fat removal”

Uncanny results that will age you faster, better to stick to natural methods

this short simple thread is basically all the actual important stuff for debloating.

Greetings to the mods and the Narcy pirates 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️

With love
-Capt. Narcy
Simple and precise thread
Mirin effort
(If u can add info about lemonbottle or other fat dissolver+ losalt in it too)

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