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the urge to become like this ( i need to or i'll rope )

Go'auld do not let you choose what body you reincarnate to and they provide no methods to change your body except for overpriced and niche plastic surgery.
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  • #5
Go'auld do not let you choose what body you reincarnate to and they provide no methods to change your body except for overpriced and niche plastic surgery.
Absurdity of the world
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  • #6
Go'auld do not let you choose what body you reincarnate to and they provide no methods to change your body except for overpriced and niche plastic surgery.
Glad to see you back , where have you been ?
Absurdity of the world
Yep its basically like you buy a tool on Temu and that is the only tool you are allowed to buy in your entire life, if the tool does not work you may not refund or exchange it for another tool, and you are not allowed to shop around for other tools. Is what this realm is like in terms of the body you are given. Except even worse, because with the Temu tools you could at least mod it completely, but with your body you are very limited to what modifications you can do.
