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Info Theoretical Femoral Lengthening Device


more loans more bones
Jun 21, 2024
A non-invasive femoral bone lengthening device aims to apply 1,000 microstrain (1,000 µε) to achieve effective bone lengthening. This approach involves engineering to ensure that the mechanical forces are applied accurately and safely, thereby promoting bone growth without the need for surgical intervention. The device will be designed with a secure, adjustable brace, integrated actuators, and a sophisticated control system for real-time monitoring and adjustment. This innovative device seeks to offer a safer, more comfortable, and less invasive alternative to traditional bone lengthening methods.

A non-invasive femoral bone lengthening device capable of applying 1,000 microstrain (1,000 µε) can achieve significant bone lengthening comparable to traditional surgical methods. The application of cyclic mechanical forces through precise and controlled actuation will stimulate bone growth effectively. The device's success will be measured by its ability to induce measurable and sustainable bone length changes while ensuring patient safety and comfort.

The theory is based on the principles of mechanotransduction, where mechanical strain stimulates biological responses in bone tissue, promoting growth and remodeling. By applying 1,000 microstrain cyclically, the device aims to mimic natural bone adaptation processes via 0.01% change in original length, encouraging osteogenesis and elongation of the femur.

Source for osteogenesis and bone elongation: "Mechanotransduction in bone: role of strain rate." - Rubin CT, Lanyon LE. The American journal of physiology. 1987.

Source for device application principles: "Mechanical stimulation of bone in vivo reduces osteocyte expression of Sost/sclerostin." - Robling AG, et al. The Journal of biological chemistry. 2008.

But why not just do exercises, like running?
Running disperses microstrain on the soft tissue in priority related to the bones.

Let’s take a example of tennis players who may have a 1-2cm gain of length in their dominant humerus, feet cannot grip onto weight like that. So, people may come up with kicking.
Kicking however applies more force onto the cartilage, and surruoudning tissue than the bones itself which may be more harmful than good.
So, this device is trying to directly apply spiral and torsional mechanical force around the femur and surrounding area to generate yields in original length, promoting bone elongation.

Depending on the person, recovery can be just like as hitting the gym, the bone may need 1-2 days to rest depending on the force applied. This does, however; slow our progress down as 365 days a year of compounding 0.01% lengthening may turn into 130 or less.

There’s also a concept of Progressive overload which also would need to take place as the bones will get stronger just like a muscle and would need to overload the bones via stronger and more extreme forces, plateau’s may occur so this device may insert in 1-2 cm of permanent decompressed height over years if combined with tibia and fibula lengthening with this method.

The device, since it is non invasive will have to chew through the body’s primary absorbers which follow as muscle, tendons, and surrounding geometry. This may cause complications for precise measuring of the device and how much microstrain unit’s it applies to the bone.

I’ll come back to this thread or create another one with my design and then maybe even prototype. I know 1-2cm Isn't a lot but if this is used correctly over a decade, it can maybe even result in bigger jumps in height (maybe 5cm).
very promising, mechanotransduction is a valid principle
needs more research and 1000 microstrain value might change depending on optimization
there is a lot of precision and customization depending on the person, also nerve and blood vessel damage
there will also be rigourous testing clinically
i wish you luck, tis will probably take over a decade
Seems valid, can you post a diagram of how this would work logistically? I would totally try this
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