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Guide Theory of Testosterone


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
Using sheldon logic I came to a realization about men...

There was a cute guy from Australia who was attractive (was watching an online, non-porn video). I thought about kissing him but then I came to a realization... this realization made me feel sick to my stomach :modcheck:

What I realized was this. That he would look slightly better with chiseled features. Then I realized something else. Why would somebody kiss him when somebody could just kiss a girl? Because a girl is like an upgrade of him, because he has to shave everyday to maintain his girlyness, which is backwards. And if he has cute features then he probably has a small penis also. This gives testosterone an advantage.

I still am anti-testosterone overall though. Here is why. We will achieve world peace and low rates of crime, 90% of criminals are male and its probably due to testosterone. Secondly, testosterone makes some people look ugly, and/or ogres, and/or acromelagy, and/or eunuchoid features, it seems to be random and unreliable. So I think estrogen is better because, once there are more females in society than males, then we would have a better quality of life. So if more people became females and femboys, everyone's life would improve.
Crazy ahh theories every day
testosterone makes me feel mentally better. like i feel calm and even happy.
when i was unhealthy and high E low T incel i hated myself and i was depressed and angry all the time. there are obviosuly other factors that affected my mood and mental health that were not hormonal, but hormones do play a large role

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