along with a feminization of men
Look at her fucking square chin, she has the typical high prenatal/high aggressiveness chin, angular, thick and stunted
Her mid mandible is also thick as hell
She chinmogs this whole Forum, no one here has such a strong androgenic chin than her, she chinmogs astrosky to hell and back
But thats not everything, just look at the limb length proportions of modern western average Girls...
This Girl here represents perfectly the average Body of all teen Girls ive encountered yet in all WhatsApp Groups and even in real life
A typical dumb brainwashed normie will now think "Theres Nothing wrong with her Body, she has nice sexy feminine long legs"
but Long legs ARE NOT a normal feminine trait! Long legs and limbs in General are a totally anti-estrogenic trait
Our Pop and modelling culture has made us perceive Long legs as a feminine trait, while in reality it's a trait which is typically associated with a Absence of estrogen
Such proportions like on this Girl are de-estrogenic and androygnous, most Girls These days ARE EXTREMELY athletically privileged due to their strong dimorphic and non-neotenous proportions
In the meanwhile, only a very few androgenic and non-estrogenic Boys are able to be a true athletic competition
this has Nothing to do with height, a 1.70cm Woman can easily outperform a 1.90 guy if the guy has short limbs and a non-dimorphic male Body with Broad hips and narrow shoulders
humanoid Men are naturally supposed to have longer limbs in relation to their upper body and thus a higher gravity Point, they are naturally supposed to make longer steps during running
this guy here perfectly represents the modern average Boys proportions, he might be objectively tall, but his leg to Torso Ratio is just subhuman Tier, from a athletic view he's totally disadvantaged
No matter how hard he Trains, he will never be a explosive sprinter/Basketball/Soccer or Football Player etc. because his short legs cannot store nearly as much Energy as a guy at his height with Long legs, he Needs to permanently compensate for his small Baby steps by running faster which why he's forced to spend a ridiculous high amount of ernergy just for a moderate fast 50m sprint interval
This is just sooooo fucking wrong, MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE FAST EXPLOSIVE SPRINTING GENDER!!!!, but nowadays most grown men look like overgrown toddlers with their proportions
look into literature from 200 years ago, back then women were described as short and stubby with neotenous proportions
While nowadays most Young girls leg mog most men into oblivion, it's just ridiculous seeing Long legged tall Girls with Broad square shoulders in a Group of tall but totally sloped and neotenous proportionized "Men"
Look at her fucking square chin, she has the typical high prenatal/high aggressiveness chin, angular, thick and stunted
Her mid mandible is also thick as hell
She chinmogs this whole Forum, no one here has such a strong androgenic chin than her, she chinmogs astrosky to hell and back
But thats not everything, just look at the limb length proportions of modern western average Girls...
This Girl here represents perfectly the average Body of all teen Girls ive encountered yet in all WhatsApp Groups and even in real life
A typical dumb brainwashed normie will now think "Theres Nothing wrong with her Body, she has nice sexy feminine long legs"
but Long legs ARE NOT a normal feminine trait! Long legs and limbs in General are a totally anti-estrogenic trait
Our Pop and modelling culture has made us perceive Long legs as a feminine trait, while in reality it's a trait which is typically associated with a Absence of estrogen relative height women women&f=false
"women are generally shorter than men because their higher level of estrogen cause earlier fusing of the epiphysial growth plates. So compared to men, women have shorter arms and legs relative to height"
Such proportions like on this Girl are de-estrogenic and androygnous, most Girls These days ARE EXTREMELY athletically privileged due to their strong dimorphic and non-neotenous proportions
In the meanwhile, only a very few androgenic and non-estrogenic Boys are able to be a true athletic competition
this has Nothing to do with height, a 1.70cm Woman can easily outperform a 1.90 guy if the guy has short limbs and a non-dimorphic male Body with Broad hips and narrow shoulders
humanoid Men are naturally supposed to have longer limbs in relation to their upper body and thus a higher gravity Point, they are naturally supposed to make longer steps during running
this guy here perfectly represents the modern average Boys proportions, he might be objectively tall, but his leg to Torso Ratio is just subhuman Tier, from a athletic view he's totally disadvantaged
No matter how hard he Trains, he will never be a explosive sprinter/Basketball/Soccer or Football Player etc. because his short legs cannot store nearly as much Energy as a guy at his height with Long legs, he Needs to permanently compensate for his small Baby steps by running faster which why he's forced to spend a ridiculous high amount of ernergy just for a moderate fast 50m sprint interval
This is just sooooo fucking wrong, MEN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE THE FAST EXPLOSIVE SPRINTING GENDER!!!!, but nowadays most grown men look like overgrown toddlers with their proportions
look into literature from 200 years ago, back then women were described as short and stubby with neotenous proportions
While nowadays most Young girls leg mog most men into oblivion, it's just ridiculous seeing Long legged tall Girls with Broad square shoulders in a Group of tall but totally sloped and neotenous proportionized "Men"