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Theres nothing worse than the dysgenic dolichocephalic narrow skull

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
It's the Epitome of ugliness, the gay Alien wimp skull is the exact precise Image of what People associate as pushover, submissive, low genetic Quality, miserable Health, low Leadership ability, low IQ, low masculinity

Every stereotypical loser nerd who does not has any sexual/mating success is usually potrayed as this:

lowest life.jpg

Having a narrow Long skull/head/face is totally dysgenic to the Point that it's almost unnatural, humans are naturally not supposed to have narrow Long skulls with total facial recession, it's a deformity caused by a estrogenic diet, Lifestyle and mindset

narrow skulled cuck.jpg
Narrow skulls are not only ugly, but also unhealthy and unpractical, jaw pain, Sleep apnea, Nausea, inner eye pressure, breathing Problems, chewing Problems, totally weak Trauma resistence against moderate Forces etc. all These Things come naturally with a narrow Long dysgenic skull

nordic cuck.jpg

long cuck.jpg

These men were evolutionary never meant to compete with other men, let alone mating with other women

Such People Arent even seen as fully human, it's no wonder that the world ugliest Woman has exactly These traits


If you have a truly dolichocephalic recessed narrow wimp skull then the best you can do is avoid women at all cost, they might say you're nice and cute but secretly they will see you as an asexual Alien

Looksmaxxing wont work for you, jaw implants and zygo osteotomy would make your face even more comically Looking, it would look totally out of Proportion, especially if you have a narrow interpupillary distance or a General low eye to mouth angle

Men with such a strong dysgenic/estrogenic craniofacial deformity should have a Right on free chemical castration and a de-sexualizing therapy
elaborate on inner eye pressure
View attachment 5875
Wide face = Wide skull, unless its due to bloat and fat distrubution
It's all about the shape and proportions of the neurocranium.
You can have a dolicocephalic skull and wide face due to large facial bones.
Or you can have a bracchisephalic skull and have a long face due to long midface or ramus
Show me an example
Kenan İmirzalıoğlu is a good example of someone with an extremely short bracchisephalic skull with a long face due to midface length

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Kenan İmirzalıoğlu is a good example of someone with an extremely short bracchisephalic skull with a long face due to midface length

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He doesn't really have a short skull nor does he have that long of a midface. Also its not what I asked about, and what you attempted to disprove.
Show me a wide face on a dolichocephalic skull
He doesn't really have a short skull nor does he have that long of a midface. Also its not what I asked about, and what you attempted to disprove.
Show me a wide face on a dolichocephalic skull
He is bracchisephalic.As you can see the occupit is completely flat.
And the skull is wide and short
Obviously he's not long faced to the point of ugliness because he's male model

It may not be what you asked about.
But you did say wide skull=Wide face
And I'm saying not necessarily.
He is bracchisephalic.As you can see the occupit is completely flat.
And the skull is wide and short
Obviously he's not long faced to the point of ugliness because he's male model

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It may not be what you asked about.
But you did say wide skull=Wide face
And I'm saying not necessarily.

So you cant give me an example. I said if your face is wide your skull is wide. Show me one example where this is not the case, I didn't ask or say anything about the stuff your talking about.

Just show me an induvidual with a wide face, and a narrow skull
So you cant give me an example. I said if your face is wide your skull is wide. Show me one example where this is not the case, I didn't ask or say anything about the stuff your talking about.

Just show me an induvidual with a wide face, and a narrow skull
I knew one person who had a long dolicocephalic skull but big jaw and zygos.
So her face actually looked like a pear
images - 2019-10-05T152754.640.jpeg
The zygos and jaw were equally wide and the skull got narrower and narrower towards the forehead.

I can't show you her pics though.She still means something to me.
I knew one person who had a long dolicocephalic skull but big jaw and zygos.
So her face actually looked like a pear
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The zygos and jaw were equally wide and the skull got narrower and narrower towards the forehead.

I can't show you her pics though.She still means something to me.

Was her face wide while the skull remaining narrow?
Was her face wide while the skull remaining narrow?
Yes exactly.
The skull itself was long and narrow.
With a pointy occupit
But the jaw and zygos were very wide.
Her face was actually wider than her neurocranium
It's the Epitome of ugliness, the gay Alien wimp skull is the exact precise Image of what People associate as pushover, submissive, low genetic Quality, miserable Health, low Leadership ability, low IQ, low masculinity

Every stereotypical loser nerd who does not has any sexual/mating success is usually potrayed as this:

View attachment 5825

Having a narrow Long skull/head/face is totally dysgenic to the Point that it's almost unnatural, humans are naturally not supposed to have narrow Long skulls with total facial recession, it's a deformity caused by a estrogenic diet, Lifestyle and mindset

View attachment 5828
Narrow skulls are not only ugly, but also unhealthy and unpractical, jaw pain, Sleep apnea, Nausea, inner eye pressure, breathing Problems, chewing Problems, totally weak Trauma resistence against moderate Forces etc. all These Things come naturally with a narrow Long dysgenic skull

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These men were evolutionary never meant to compete with other men, let alone mating with other women

Such People Arent even seen as fully human, it's no wonder that the world ugliest Woman has exactly These traits

View attachment 5861

If you have a truly dolichocephalic recessed narrow wimp skull then the best you can do is avoid women at all cost, they might say you're nice and cute but secretly they will see you as an asexual Alien

Looksmaxxing wont work for you, jaw implants and zygo osteotomy would make your face even more comically Looking, it would look totally out of Proportion, especially if you have a narrow interpupillary distance or a General low eye to mouth angle

Men with such a strong dysgenic/estrogenic craniofacial deformity should have a Right on free chemical castration and a de-sexualizing therapy
Thank you bro. I think i should give up on women in general, this is only frustrating, and i didn't get them at my best (looks), so why would i get one now, as uglier and all that. I know this is serious decision to be made, i live happy still