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These are real High Cheekbones


Jul 5, 2019
Vertically small, laterally wide, high, right below the eye, they start at the center of the eye and end towards the end of the eyebrow.

With these cheekbones, i would assume its impossible to have a negative canthal tilt, eyebags, bad undereyesupport, or schlera show. Youre pretty much guaranteed hunter eyes and good hooding with these high cheekbones (NOTE: as long as its in your genetic potential and youve reached it through proper habits when developing).

Astro has these exact cheekbones, and so does O’pry.


Image may contain: one or more people and closeup

Image may contain: one or more people and closeup


Rope if you think astro got those cheekbones through fillers, fillers cant give you that look. And he didnt have them before mewing

I feel these cheekbones are quite rare, and even if you have a good maxilla and mandible doesnt mean youll have high cheekbones

Angelina Jolie as an example:


Subhuman cheekbones, yet perfect maxilla and mandible

To conclude my theory is to have high cheekbones you have to have insane amounts of upward maxillary growth combined with good forward maxillary growth to have high cheekbones, as well as good genetics that allow you to have them.
View attachment 8403
Vertically small, laterally wide, high, right below the eye, they start at the center of the eye and end towards the end of the eyebrow.

With these cheekbones, i would assume its impossible to have a negative canthal tilt, eyebags, bad undereyesupport, or schlera show. Youre pretty much guaranteed hunter eyes and good hooding with these high cheekbones (NOTE: as long as its in your genetic potential and youve reached it through proper habits when developing).

Astro has these exact cheekbones, and so does O’pry.


Image may contain: one or more people and closeup

Image may contain: one or more people and closeup


Rope if you think astro got those cheekbones through fillers, fillers cant give you that look. And he didnt have them before mewing

I feel these cheekbones are quite rare, and even if you have a good maxilla and mandible doesnt mean youll have high cheekbones

Angelina Jolie as an example:


Subhuman cheekbones, yet perfect maxilla and mandible

To conclude my theory is to have high cheekbones you have to have insane amounts of upward maxillary growth combined with good forward maxillary growth to have high cheekbones, as well as good genetics that allow you to have them.
post this on ***********
View attachment 8403
Vertically small, laterally wide, high, right below the eye, they start at the center of the eye and end towards the end of the eyebrow.

With these cheekbones, i would assume its impossible to have a negative canthal tilt, eyebags, bad undereyesupport, or schlera show. Youre pretty much guaranteed hunter eyes and good hooding with these high cheekbones (NOTE: as long as its in your genetic potential and youve reached it through proper habits when developing).

Astro has these exact cheekbones, and so does O’pry.


Image may contain: one or more people and closeup

Image may contain: one or more people and closeup


Rope if you think astro got those cheekbones through fillers, fillers cant give you that look. And he didnt have them before mewing

I feel these cheekbones are quite rare, and even if you have a good maxilla and mandible doesnt mean youll have high cheekbones

Angelina Jolie as an example:


Subhuman cheekbones, yet perfect maxilla and mandible

To conclude my theory is to have high cheekbones you have to have insane amounts of upward maxillary growth combined with good forward maxillary growth to have high cheekbones, as well as good genetics that allow you to have them.

astroysky DOES not has naturally high cheekbones, that is pretty much observeable from the disharmonious transition to his lateral orbitals

he has selectively hit the upper outer parts of his malar so that they become look high set
actually i do, and so does my father and his father and fuck even my brother. iv always high set cheekbones. back when i smashed them i was trying to make them low set (legit stupid i know) like johnny depp. the most i achieved was making my zygos look like i had fillers done and bigger. i never achieved making them appear lower or higher only physical size, which we both know is not ideal.

it almost ruined my face but at least my zygos look bigger i guess? View attachment 9116

they Arent low, but also not truly high

absolute truly high cheekbones are abnormaly rare

Maybe 5-10% of the world Population has them

extreme high.png

These are true high cheekbones, her zygomatic arch is literally higher set than her inner canthus
You would snap your bony paki fingers trying to lift a knife and get sent to the ER
Blah blah blah
I'm done with this useless back and forth banter.

Brootal even trolling/talking shit gets boring when a forum is this dead.