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This place feels like the same as .org was in 2019


MM’s makes MM’s | Ϫ Saint of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Apr 8, 2024
Mom's basement
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
i have a feeling you are some iconic org member
is this nibba ?
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  • #5
i have a feeling you are some iconic org member
is this nibba ?
Nibba was a very narcy user about his rating. He said that he was the second best looksmaxxer beside Orb. All I remember that someone doxxed him, then the doxxer created a website with Nibba's full name, then he posted screenshots of what he posted to .org and said that his a racist, sexist etc... Nibba after that probably changed his real name.

The website is still up, and someone still manage it till this day, but the site nowadays looks like its Nibba own blog / introduction website, but I highly doubt it
Nibba was a very narcy user about his rating. He said that he was the second best looksmaxxer beside Orb. All I remember that someone doxxed him, then the doxxer created a website with Nibba's full name, then he posted screenshots of what he posted to .org and said that his a racist, sexist etc... Nibba after that probably changed his real name.

The website is still up, and someone still manage it till this day, but the site nowadays looks like its Nibba own blog / introduction website, but I highly doubt it
yeah i heard about that story , what a descension
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
quality not quantity
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
honestly .org in december was amazing no joke
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
That would be interesting to see good thread bhai
Wait this is actually so interesting though. This forum has been around for 4 years and has probably has stages like this many times but never progressed like org did
I’m definitely excited though for sure
At least at the moment
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
You can thank me for that
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
Not sure
There are some good thread, and some well-known / reputable member, but there arent much at all. The forum is now forming its most important members / events, and just started to rise again. Probably in a month this place will feel like what .org was in 2020-2022
wait are you teenascender on org?

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