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Thoughts on butea superba?


hello guys am incel.
Jul 22, 2019
For dht ofc. (Also long time no see, cant bother using that tor forum its so slow)
I was also looking for other users taking butea superba, cant remember this forum or another. Some say they don't gain anything, I'm not to sure. But I would want to try it out.
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  • #5
I was also looking for other users taking butea superba, cant remember this forum or another. Some say they don't gain anything, I'm not to sure. But I would want to try it out.
Tbh its cheap so why not try it. also im trying to increase size bcs im poorcel
5.5x4.6. 15yo
Probably gonna try it, I think its the only form of dht that doesnt cause balding. If u end up taking it ill give u a link to buy a quality one, and tell me how it goes.
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  • #10
Probably gonna try it, I think its the only form of dht that doesnt cause balding. If u end up taking it ill give u a link to buy a quality one, and tell me how it goes.
i got one dont need to buy that shit. Also ive been taking it for about a week now all i got are random boners throughout the day. (Havent happend to me when not on butea since im low t)
i got one dont need to buy that shit. Also ive been taking it for about a week now all i got are random boners throughout the day. (Havent happend to me when not on butea since im low t)
Yikees, update me if u see any other changes
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